House Of The Billionaire (The Billionaire's Contract Series)

Free House Of The Billionaire (The Billionaire's Contract Series) by Angelina Jenoire Hamilton

Book: House Of The Billionaire (The Billionaire's Contract Series) by Angelina Jenoire Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angelina Jenoire Hamilton
Chapter One
    Kirsty Moore lay on her side, senses acutely aware of her surroundings despite being blindfolded. She could sense Tyler Blake somewhere in the bedroom, could smell the faint, tantalisingly musky aroma of his after shave. She felt like she could almost hear his breathing, slightly quickened as he watched her body, clad only in a white lacy negligee bound on the bed for his pleasure. The rope he had used to tie her with didn’t hurt but the knots that held her wrists to the cool iron railings of the headboard definitely felt solid and strong when she pulled against them. She was Tyler’s completely. Unable to see or move, she had temporarily given her power away to this man who she trusted implicitly.
    No other man had ever seen her like this. She had been too self-conscious of her luscious curves to think of herself as a sexual being. But Tyler appreciated her soft, womanly body as if it were a rare and precious gift.
    ‘Perfect,’ he said from the foot of the bed. His deep, rich voice made Kirsty’s body react in ways she had never reacted to a man’s voice before. She squirmed, feeling little fluttery butterflies of desire in her belly and a taut tightness on each of her breasts as her nipples hardened against the lace of the negligee.
    She said nothing but listened to his footfalls on the carpet as he moved around the bed, examining her shapely figure from all angles. In her hyper-aware state, she could almost feel his gaze moving across her skin, from the excitedly-pulsing line of her throat, to the soft, full swells of her breasts tipped with their hard excited nubs beneath the lace, down over her belly to the place where the bottom edge of the negligee lay over her thighs and the rounded curve of her bottom.
    He touched her lightly, his fingertip barely brushing across the base of her neck. The initial contact made her jump because she hadn’t been expecting it but then she relaxed into the touch as he moved his fingers down over the soft, full swells of her breasts. His fingertips slid over the negligee’s lace cups, pausing beside the hard nub of Kirsty’s nipple. Please, she almost begged aloud, touch me there.
    His finger moved slowly...ever so slowly...toward the hard bud then touched it, eliciting a gasp from Kirsty. She arched her back, pressing her breast into his hand, craving more contact with her sensitive flesh.
    His hand moved away teasingly, back up to her neck, leaving her nipple prodding almost painfully against lace. ‘Please, Tyler,’ she whispered.
    The negligee had thin shoulder straps that were tied together in little bows. She felt him untie them. Why was he taking his time like his? She needed him. But she knew that his was exactly what he see her squirming with pleasure beneath his touch but totally in his control. He pulled he negligee down, sliding it down off her chest and leaving it in a lacy tangle across her belly. Her breasts felt exposed to his gaze. She knew he could see the desire in her taut nipples.
    ‘Please...’ she repeated.
    Then she felt his lips close over one hardened nub, his tongue rolling over the excited flesh hotly. She gasped and if her hands weren’t tied, she would have grabbed the sides of his head and held him there at her chest, pressing her breast into his mouth. With her wrists bound, she writhed and arched her back further, needing to feel more of Tyler’s hot, pleasure-giving mouth.
    He moved to her other nipple, taking it into his mouth and flicking at it with his tongue. The sensation sent tingles through her entire upper body and lit up primal pleasure centers in her brain.
    His hand moved down, over the lacy negligee crumpled across her belly, and to her hip. She wore tiny white lace panties that had tied straps to match the negligee. Tyler gently pulled at the bows and the straps fell open, revealing Kirsty to his touch. His hand gently cupped her pubic mound, making her groan as his fingers contacted her wet, swollen

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