Dreams Do Come True

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Book: Dreams Do Come True by Jada Pearl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jada Pearl
you if you continue with Shontell. He is afraid of that.” Martin patted his shoulder. He left him to think about what he’d said.
    Nico headed back in his original direction and took the stairs to his room. He flung his bag to the floor. He paced as he replayed the conversation in his mind. It did make sense. Dennis went all crazy when David got engaged and almost broke them up with his antics. He wouldn’t let that happen this time. He decided to do what Martin had suggested. He had a couple of hours before they had to be at sound check. He picked his bag up and sat on the bed. He took the envelope out that Shontell had given him. Carefully opening it, he smiled at its content. She had put a set of pictures inside that were taken on her father’s boat. He had forgotten all about them. He was so glad that she had given them to him. He looked at them and saw the glow on her face. He sighed because he could not understand how she was affecting him like this. He instantly forgot about the situation with Dennis and Tina as he ran his fingers across her face. His heart skipped a beat. This had never happened to him before. He had never even felt like this as a teenager because he was so focused on singing and music. He had even been accused of being gay back then because he was never seen with girls. He didn’t care what they were saying…he was just focused. Being that focused is what got him to where he is now. He was able to help out his parents and his siblings. His mother was the director of the youth academy that they had opened together nearly six years ago. That was his biggest accomplishment.
    As he placed the pictures back inside the envelope, his phone went off. He read the text and grinned. He was wondering how long it would take her to read the card. He didn’t get her number, so he had to wait until she contacted him. When he reached the gym area, he was alone. He was glad about that. He saved her number and then opened his video messaging. He began talking into the camera, letting her know he saw the pictures and thanked her. He was about to end the video when he decided to sing a little something for her. Hitting stop, he laughed at himself and hoped she didn’t think it was too corny. He stretched and started his workout. His anger had already left, so this workout focus was something totally different. He recalled her in that red nightgown. He groaned as he lifted the 150-lb weight with his shoulders, doing presses. He was hoping it would override the sensation elsewhere.

    Shontell wondered what the sound was on her phone and why Sandy had such a crazy look on her face. She took the phone from her. She sipped her wine and then opened the message.  Nico greeted her immediately. He was serenading her. She was floored. How was she going to handle this?
    “Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?”  She was fanning herself as she said it out loud.
    “I am at a loss for words, but all I can say is tread slowly,” her best friend replied. She shook her head, agreeing with her. They finished their lunch and decided on some evening plans. They were laughing and enjoying themselves when the doorbell rang. Sandy got up to answer since she was the closest. While they were talking, Shontell couldn’t help but think about Nico and the last two days. She had been contemplating if she should send a response to his video message but opted not to. Nico really made her feel things she had not felt in a long time.  She decided to write back her thoughts instead, which was one of her favorite pastimes.  She finished just as Sandy called her to the door.

    Nico stepped out the shower with steam surrounding him. As he was drying off, his phone went off. He walked over to his nightstand, where he had left his phone charging, and hit the screen. Shontell’s name popped up. He grabbed his musk oil and poured it into his hand as he began reading the text:
    Thank you for the beautiful message. You are so

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