Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)

Free Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) by Mary Tate Engels

Book: Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Tate Engels

Chapter Five
    A few days later, Siena left the cats in George’s capable hands. He was none too happy, but said he understood. He made her promise she’d come back. She crossed her fingers and nodded. "Of course." Her first goal – see if there was a job for her in all of Boston. Something besides making muffins for her friend Goldie's coffee shop.
    Still, decisions had to be made. Work had to be done. No amount of tears over Aunt Addie or worrying about her mother or wondering about Zach's intentions would change all that.
    First decision - what did she want? A job in Boston? To stay here and try to make Amazing Lace profitable? Or to sell it and leave Haven’s Point right now and go back to . . . what? And what about Zach? Did she really want to give up on someone who left the thrill of his kiss lingering on her lips and the possibility of something more in her heart?
    Siena spent the next few days in her Boston apartment packing, visiting familiar haunts, seeing old friends, networking about jobs. And organizing. What now. What later. What belonged to Dana. This seemed to be the logical thing to do, at least temporarily. For sure, she couldn’t afford to keep this apartment until things were settled and sold in Haven’s Point.
    At the coffee shop on the first floor, she sipped steaming strong coffee and chatted with one of her favorite people. "Goldie, I’m going to miss you and your fabulous breakfasts."
    "You’ve been a good tenant and friend, Siena."
    "I hope you won’t have any trouble renting it." Siena took a bite of zucchini bread slathered with pineapple cream cheese and savored the blending of flavors. She would miss this, all of it. Her life in Boston.
    "No problem with renting Siena. I have a wait ing list."
    Siena swallowed hard. "You mean someone’s already in line to take over my place?" It was hard to think that a perfect stranger was just around the corner from moving into her newly vacated Boston apartment. Realistically though, she knew she couldn’t keep it. Not now. Money was the big issue, and becoming scarcer every day. At leas t it cost her near nothing to stay in Haven’s Point.
    "Sure, it’s prime property. Near downtown. Clean, small, and the price is right." Goldie wiped the counter next to Siena. "Where are you moving?"
    "I, uh, have a little shop in Maine. Inherited it from my great aunt. Guess she thought I could whip it into shape." It sounded weird to say these things. The rough realities of life had come at her too fast and too hard. She swallowed a knot in her throat. She was losing Aunt Addie as well as her life in Boston. Dana had already taken off, so get over it.
    Goldie leaned over the old-fashioned counter and refilled Siena’s coffee. "What a nice gift she gave you. It’s the American dream, you know. Owning your own business."
    Siena stirred cream into her coffee and watched it blend. "I guess."
    "You don’t sound very enthusiastic. What kind of business is it?"
    Siena sighed heavily. "A nearly dead one. Stocked with a little bit of everything. Hand-made lace, lacy pillows and angels, romance books, hand-made quilts, a zillion trinkets in the shapes of light houses and lobstahs. . . and none of it sells very well. ‘Course there aren’t many buyers in winter. Come summer, things will improve. So they tell me." She couldn’t bring herself to mention the cup huggies.
    Goldie clasped her hands together. "Good! You have a challenge to make it all your own. Reinvent your shop into something people want. And something you love. You have time to get ready for your customers."
    Goldie’s Coffee Shoppe was obviously her pride and joy. Located on the ground floor of the B ay View apartments, Siena and Dana had lived above the shop for four years. Most mornings, Siena started her day here with coffee and a sliver of pastry just because she liked the atmosphere and the people. Goldie knew all about Warren, and Dana, about Siena’s broken heart, and having to

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