Sometimes We Ran (Book 2): Community

Free Sometimes We Ran (Book 2): Community by Stephen Drivick

Book: Sometimes We Ran (Book 2): Community by Stephen Drivick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Drivick
Tags: Zombies
oversized flannel shirt over a black tank top. Short dark hair framed her face. She was very attractive. I looked into the biggest, roundest green eyes I had ever seen. My heart skipped a beat.
After a few awkward moments of staring at each other, she spoke. “Good morning. I brought you guys some food. I didn’t know what you wanted, so I brought a little of everything.” Her voice was very pleasant and soothing. She bent down to show me the tray. “We have fruit, some yogurt, and a few breakfast pastries.” She slid the tray under the gap in the gate. “I didn’t ask if you guys should be fed, but you both looked so thin.”
    Very pretty and compassionate as well. This lady had it all. I decided to be civil. “Thanks. What’s your name?”
    She put her hand on the chain-link. “I’m Karen.”
    “Hello Karen. I’m John. This young lady lying fast asleep on my chest is Claire.”
    Karen looked at Claire. “Is she okay? She looks kind of pale.”
    “She’s okay. Just hates being in a cage.”
    Karen looked at the ground. She looked a little ashamed. “We’re not bad people. We’re just scared. We’ve had some bad luck with strangers in the past. They’re probably going to let you out of here soon.”
    I smiled a little, to put her at ease, and slid my little knife into the inside pocket of my jacket. “I know.”
    Karen returned the smile and said, “I’ll get the tray later when I bring you some lunch in a few hours. I think I’ll make some grilled cheese or something.” She got up and started to walk away. She had a nice caboose on her, as well.
    “Sounds great. And Karen?” I paused, and she turned around. “You have very pretty eyes.”
    Karen blushed a little, as a smirk crossed her lips. She turned around quickly and flew out the door. So much for my charming wit.
    “Geez, John. Why don’t you ask her out on a date?” Claire said, without opening her eyes or lifting her head off my chest.
    “Well, I thought a compliment would help smooth relations.”
    Claire got up, and smoothed her pink-highlighted hair. Her dye job was beginning to fade a little. “Whatever, Romeo. She was kind of cute, I guess. What’s for breakfast?”
    “On the tray.” I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. I think I was attracted to Karen. It never occurred to me that I would find anyone else ever again. I thought my wife Gia was it for me. I actually hoped to see Karen again. Claire threw me a banana and some yogurt. She opened one for herself, and we ate a hearty breakfast.
    We did see Karen again. She came back a few hours later to give us grilled cheese sandwiches and juice boxes. She also allowed us to use the bathroom - actually a latrine dug in the ground beside the empty swimming pool with a small outhouse built over the top. Unlike last time, she had a small gun in the waistband of her jeans. I hoped my earlier comment about her eyes didn’t cause her to want a gun when she tended to us. This time, there was little small talk. It was all business.
    After lunch, we were left alone again. Claire and I began to wonder if they were going to let us rot in here or actually let us go. To pass the time, we practiced throwing our knives. We were attempting to learn the skill. I think it made us more effective zombie-fighters.
    “Like this?” Claire held up her pearl-handled folding knife and prepared to throw it at the small piece of plywood I had stood up at the far end of our cell.
    “Yeah, that ought to work.”
    Claire reared back and flicked her knife at the plywood. The little blade flew through the air and hit the wood with a thud. It stuck in the wood blade first. Claire was becoming a good shot.
    “Your turn. Try to get close to mine,” Claire said.
    I held my knife up and threw it with a slight sidearm motion. It flashed across the chain-link enclosure and stuck in the wood about a half-inch from Claire’s blade.
    “Nice shot,” Claire said, with a bit of admiration in her voice.

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