The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance)

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Book: The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance) by Phoenix Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoenix Rayne
night, Xavier wanted to take me for a drive alone.  I packed us a blanket and some water.  I wasn’t sure where this ride would take us and what state we would be in on our way back.  We drove for at least thirty minutes and I rode right up under him in his pickup just like the people in the movies.  I kissed and nuzzled at him the whole drive.
                  “Now stop it. You know when you start messing with my ear that’s it!” Xavier warned me.
                  “Pull over then,”  I told him.
                  “Not yet. I want to show you something.” Xavier told me. 
                  I calmed down a little but not that much.  We pulled into a town, and there were city lights and people everywhere.  They were walking and laughing. 
                  “Where are we?”
                  “Tex Tip.”
                  “Oh.” That meant absolutely nothing to me. 
                  “It’s the closest town city life we have.”
                  “It’s really nice. Look at all the shops.”
                  “We may not have the big name department stores you’re used to, but we have the means of getting them.”  
                  He drove down to a corner lot and cut the truck off.  He got out and didn’t even bother taking the keys or locking the door.  I thought this was the strangest thing, but I stayed quiet.  I slid out behind him and we linked hands immediately. He gave me a kiss. I kissed him back, giving him a little tongue.
                  “Mrs. Luther, if you don’t stop, I’m going to throw you down in the truck.”
                  “Um, do you promise?”  I teased.
                  “Come on, my little nympho.”
                  I giggled and we went to the empty shop on the corner.   Xavier pulled a key out of his pocket to open the door.  He held the door open for me and I walked in while still holding his hand.  I held it a little tighter because the room was so dark.                He leaned over and switched on a light quickly.  “I’m sorry, baby.”
                  I pulled him closer to me and looked the shop over.  “What is it?”
                  “Whose is it?”
                  “I know it doesn’t look like a whole lot right now, but baby, picture racks and racks of clothes you like.  And, I was thinking that you should have two registers over there and we’ll have to build the dressing rooms… But, the storage in the back is huge and there’s an office plus two bathrooms.”
                  “Xavier, was it this?”
                  “Your boutique.”
                  I continued to look the room over. Then, it finally registered.  He wanted me to stay and he knew that I always wanted a boutique of my own.  I felt like he was trying to trap me because he wanted me to have a whole truckload of kids.  He wanted me to be his little lady, who hung on his every single word. That just wasn’t going to happen. 
                  I tried to unhook our hands, but Xavier wouldn’t let me go.
                  “Phoebes?” He looked terrified as hell of me, and I knew I had to get out of there before I crumpled. 
                  “We had an agreement,” I said.
                  “You told me you’d sign the papers when your family left. Are you trying to renegotiate with me?”  Xavier gave me one of the guiltiest looks I had ever seen. 
                  I turned away from and stomped away. 
                  “Phoebe, baby, please don’t run from me.” He ran to me and wrapped his arms around me, but I jerked out of his

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