The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance)

Free The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance) by Phoenix Rayne

Book: The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance) by Phoenix Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoenix Rayne
feet walking away from me, and a creak from the door closing as, eventually, the room fell silent. When I raised my head, I was alone, but the bedside lamps were on.  I drifted off again, nightmare free this time.  By the time I woke again, it was 2:00 a.m. I looked over at the empty side of the bed. Xavier hadn’t come to bed yet.  I pulled on a robe and house shoes and tiptoed out of the room. 
                  There were a few dim lights on downstairs.  I followed them, but still no Xavier. The house was still.  I noticed the kitchen door was cracked, so I went outside.  I looked across the backyard and saw nothing but the pole lights. I went around to the side of the house and saw a single, dim light.  I followed it. The crunching sound under my feet startled me.  I was in the hayfield, and there was a lantern up ahead. 
                  “Xavier?” I whispered.
                  “Phoebe, what’s wrong?”  I heard him get up quickly as the crunch was now following him.
                  “Nothing. I was looking for you.”  He met up with me and held me.
    “You didn’t come to bed.”
                  “I wasn’t sure . . . I didn’t know if you wanted me to.”
                  I pushed up a little and kissed him.  He kissed me back, but his was a little more needing than mine was. 
                  “Can anyone see us?”
                  “No,” he breathed. 
                  I pulled my robe off and it dropped to the ground.  He wrapped his arms tight around me. “I need you.”
                  “Phoebe, do you remember everything?”
                  “I mean about --”
                  “I took your virginity. I remember,” I said.
                  “You don’t think of me as less of a man?”
                  “No, why would you think that?”
                  “Because I’m not that experienced.”
                  “You ate me out like a pro earlier.”
                  “It was beautiful, and you’re so much of a man inside and out, and those freakishly large body parts . . .”
                  “I want to please you.”
                  “You do in more ways than one.”
                  I interrupted “Shhhh. I love you!” 
                  We had sex right there hidden from the common eye in the hay bells.  He wanted me on top of him and he admired my body and my plump bare breasts.  So, I rode him for the duration of our lovemaking that night.  We got back to the bedroom a little after 4:00 a.m. and we slept in until 9:00.  No one came looking for us, no one called for us, and it was nice.
                  I woke him with him in my mouth. I had to put a pillow over his face this time to keep him from screaming.  We made love again in the shower that morning and Xavier was ready for another position.  We eased into him taking me from behind and he loved it. We were finally in our honeymoon state; we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.  We had sex twice in the steel building behind the chicken coop.  I loved it when he rammed me across the tables.  I sucked him off again in the tractor, way out in the west field.  We made love all that night and again that next morning. By the fourth day, we were both worn out, but we were still so hungry for each other. 
                  Xavier’s sisters had finally started addressing me as "her" or "hey" but nothing more.  I think all of the brothers and brothers-in-law accepted me. I couldn’t keep all the kids straight though.  There were so many of them. Xavier said they were the "truckload gang." 
                  On Friday

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