Battlefield of the Heart

Free Battlefield of the Heart by E. A. West

Book: Battlefield of the Heart by E. A. West Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. A. West
“They’re also monitoring her closely. If she gets much worse, she’ll get pushed up the list. She’ll be okay, man.”
    â€œI just wish they’d cut that appendix out of her before it ruptures. She’s sick enough without all that junk hitting her bloodstream.”
    â€œThey’ll get it out of her as soon as they can. Try to relax.”
    Corbin nodded but didn’t say anything. Cindy could see how hard it was for him to be patient with his wife so sick. She wanted to offer him some kind of comfort, but she knew nothing she said would help. All she could do was be there, pray, and help Danny stay calm enough to give his friend moral support.
    The surgeon finally came out to talk to Corbin sometime after three. Cindy watched the tension leave Corbin’s shoulders as he listened to the doctor, and she breathed a prayer of thanks. He wouldn’t relax if it were anything but good news.
    The doctor left the waiting room, and Corbin returned to his seat. “She’s out of surgery and doing fine. The operation was a little more complicated than they anticipated, but the doc says she came through with flying colors. They’re getting ready to take her up to a room now.”
    â€œAre they going to let you see her tonight?” Danny asked.
    â€œYeah, the doc said I can see her for a few minutes before I go home.” Corbin stood and stretched. “You guys can go upstairs with me or leave. It’s up to you. I appreciate you staying here as long as you did.”
    Josh spoke as he rose from his chair. “I’ll stay until you’re ready to leave.”
    â€œMe, too.” Danny glanced at Cindy. “Unless you want to go back to the dorm now.”
    She shook her head, unwilling to leave before the others. “I’ll hang around here until the rest of you are ready to go.”
    She and Danny joined Corbin and Josh as they headed into the hall. Corbin fell into step with Cindy as they walked toward the elevator.
    â€œYou know, I didn’t expect you to stick around this long.”
    She gave him a tired smile. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t hang out at a hospital ’til after three in the morning?”
    â€œThe sane kind?” Josh said with a laugh. “Corbin’s right, though. I’m not sure any of us expected you to stick around.”
    â€œYou just don’t know me well enough, apparently. Staying at the hospital for hours when a friend’s wife is having surgery is part of who I am. So is offering babysitting for free, if said friend needs it.”
    Corbin reached out and pushed the call button for the elevator. “Said friend appreciates the offer, but Lacey’s got it covered for the moment. And Monique’s parents will be here tomorrow… later today… however you want to say it.”
    The elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside. Corbin pressed the button for the third floor, and the group leaned on the walls as the elevator started moving. Cindy couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so tired, but she’d made a commitment to stay however long these guys needed her. From the looks of them, they were just as exhausted as she was. The caffeine in the coffee in the surgical waiting room had long since stopped having an effect.
    A quick stop at the nurses’ station let them know Monique hadn’t arrived yet, so they went to the waiting room. Corbin leaned against the wall by the door; Josh sprawled on a couch. Cindy curled up in a chair only marginally more comfortable than the ones downstairs, and Danny stretched out on the other couch. It seemed like an eternity before someone came to tell Corbin his wife was in her room. He followed the nurse into the hall, but the rest of them didn’t move.
    When Corbin returned, he released a weary sigh. “She’s sleeping peacefully. Let’s get out of here.”
    Everyone slowly rose. Cindy

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