Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance

Free Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance by Anna Hackett

Book: Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance by Anna Hackett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Hackett
decided to take Dare Phoenix as her lover.
    As she always said, without some risks, life wasn’t worth living. She just hoped she survived the encounter unscathed.
    Soon, the planet appeared ahead, growing larger until it dominated the viewscreen. Sulla was a gray-green ball that made her think of a Duskan pearl she’d once traded.
    “Entering the atmosphere,” Dare said.
    The small shuttle shuddered a little, and moments later, Dakota saw white clouds and a blue-green sea.
    Wow, it was really pretty. The water was smooth and looked like glass. She wondered if there were any shipwrecks below.
    A huge island came into view, with a pointed mountain rising up to dominate the view. Flowing around the base of the hill was a city.
    “The capital city of Sulla,” Dare said. “Sion.”
    Smooth, white buildings reached into the sky, and there were waterways and graceful bridges. She saw greenery growing down the sides of many buildings—brilliant carpets of green, dotted with white flowers. Small, elegant boats coasted along the narrow canals.
    As Dare brought them in closer, she saw landing pads jutting out over the water. She could see the building architecture better now. The buildings all differed in height, and some were square and others cylindrical in shape—but they were all made of gleaming white stone and had walls and roofs covered in lush green plants. It was beautiful.
    “Breathtaking, isn’t it?”
    She nodded.
    Dare lowered the shuttle onto one of the landing pads. Once he’d powered down the engines, he turned and grabbed her arm.
    “Remember, it may look pretty, but underneath, it’s not. Control is revered here. If you speak out, or are too assertive, it’ll cause trouble.”
    “They’re dangerous?” Through the forward window, she could see a group of people heading in their direction.
    “They can be, yes. But I’ll take care of you. You stay by my side, no matter what.”
    “No one takes care of me, Phoenix.” She undid her harness and stood. “I can do that myself.”
    The group was closer now, a tall man striding in the lead.
    “I will take care of you, even if you don’t want me to.”
    Dare’s words made her belly jump. Stupid, traitorous belly.
    He stood, as well. “Now, let’s get that part and find out what they know about Caleb Stock.” Dare’s fingers tightened on her arm, then he released her. “Don’t forget to walk behind me.”
    She watched him stride to the door of the shuttle, and poked her tongue out at his back. “Don’t get too used to me bowing and scraping, Phoenix.”
    He shot a glance back at her. “But what if you like it?”
    Dare stepped out into the bright Sullan sunshine. “Vero. It’s been a long time.”
    The Sullan man walked forward, his hand outstretched in the common Sullan greeting. He was a hawkish man, and like all Sullans, had dark-blue hair that was long enough to brush his shoulders. “So very true. Welcome back to Sulla, Dare.”
    They rested their wrists together and clasped each other’s forearms.
    Vero’s gaze moved over Dare’s shoulder to Dakota. His lips turned up in a smile. “You’ve brought me a pretty flower.”
    Dare barely controlled the ugly claw of emotion in his gut. “She’s not for you, my friend. And be warned, she’s hiding her thorns for this trip.” Dare hated the way the man looked at her.
    Vero raised a brow. “I thought you liked them obedient to your desires.”
    Dare heard Dakota make a small sound, but didn’t look at her. “I like them to want my desires.”
    Vero cast one more appreciative gaze at Dakota. “My current batch of girls will be sorry that you are not alone.” He inclined his head. “It’s been a long time since you last visited.”
    It had been. On purpose. Dare felt Dakota’s gaze drilling into his back. Dare knew giving in to your desires without control, pushing your boundaries, could sometimes lead to dark places. Addiction was a slippery slope. It was so easy to slide

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