Seeds of Love: Prequel to Lily in Bloom

Free Seeds of Love: Prequel to Lily in Bloom by Tammy Andresen

Book: Seeds of Love: Prequel to Lily in Bloom by Tammy Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Andresen
her and now kidnap her. She trembled and James pulled her closer. Her father was watching them intently, she could feel it but she didn’t care. In her mind, he had lost the right to an opinion. He might have a great business mind but he didn’t seem to know the first thing about what she needed in a husband.
    “It has been a trying afternoon. Girls you should go rest.”
    “Oh Papa, how could we possibly after everything—”
    “Enough Clarissa. Upstairs with you both. Gentlemen, if I may have a word.” Her father had dismissed them.
    Regina looked at James. “Call tomorrow.”
    He gave a single nod and, feeling better, she left.
    Upstairs, she changed out of her dress that was ripped and dirty and lay down on her bed. At dinner tonight, she would speak to her father about the marriage. She refused to wait any longer. With that in her mind, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Her last thought was of James’ handsome face and his strong arms around her.
    That evening the family sat tensely around the table. Her father had barely said a word. Her mother was pale, only Clarissa talked. She couldn’t say enough good things about Mr. Baker.
    “He is so handsome and Papa, he sprang to action in the crisis. We ought to invite him for dinner.”
    Her father gave a halfhearted nod. “Of course. Business school at Harvard, no less. Perhaps we should consider him as a suitor for Regina.”
    “Regina! No! Papa, I was talking about me.”
    Regina sat up straighter. “You said you would consider James.”
    “I am considering James. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t consider others. We must do what is best for you but also the entire family.”
    Regina looked at her father. She had once seen him play cards. He kept his expression exactly the same. When he had a good hand or a poor one his face never moved. It was one of the traits that made him successful. She loved her father, but she already knew her heart and she knew she would marry James. Her father didn’t need to know that. She would keep her face neutral. She would not give him the slightest hint of her plans. It was time to take her own future in her hands.
    “I see,” she replied.
    “Regina, you can’t possibly marry Charles. That isn’t fair. Papa, I will never speak to you again—”
    “Hush child. No one has planned anything yet.”
    Regina’s mother looked over at her and her eyes grew wide with understanding. She knew that Regina was feigning complicity. “Clarissa, listen to your father.”
    Both Tom and Clarissa looked surprised at her mother’s support of her father. Clarissa began to cry at the table.
    “Should we have him over for dinner tomorrow?” Her father asked, looking pleased at the cooperation.
    “If you don’t mind, Papa, James leaves on Wednesday. It will be easier after he has left town.” Regina kept her eyes down and her voice neutral.
    “Of course, Regina. That makes perfect sense.” He nodded his approval. Regina clenched her fist in her lap. She had no intention of being here on Thursday.
    The next day James came as promised. Her father greeted him and thanked him for his help. By all outward appearances, her father seemed to favor James. But Regina knew the truth. Her mother sat on the other side of the library to chaperone their visit.
    “How are you this morning?” he asked in a low voice.
    She shook her head. “My father is considering other suitors. James, I think we should run away.”
    His eyes looked stricken but he shook his head. “I will marry you, Regina, but I want to do it with your father’s permission. I don’t want to estrange you from your entire family.”
    “He is talking about Charles, James. My family will be ripped to pieces if that happens and so will you and Charles. We have to stop this,” she whispered.
    “I will convince your father. I have to go home and get these contracts I have procured started. I have men counting on me for work and,” he gave her a soft

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