The Pixie Prince

Free The Pixie Prince by Lex Valentine

Book: The Pixie Prince by Lex Valentine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lex Valentine
already, Max. She’s gotta be dying to bite you.”
    Max sat back in his chair, stunned. “Alexa, I…”
    His best friend let out a deep sigh and the impassive expression on her face melted away. Max saw the pain in the depths of her huge violet eyes.
    “Max, you gotta live. That is what life is all about. Just because I lost my mate is no reason for you to deprive yourself and Bliss of the happiness that is waiting for you. Just let her bite you.” She rubbed the side of her face wearily. “I always knew that one day, you would meet your mate. I knew I would lose some of your time and attention when that happened. But I never once wanted you to be mateless or unhappy just so you could be there for me, to help me keep the darkness away.” Her eyes grew shiny with unshed tears, and Max felt her pain as if it was his own. “I want you to be happy, Maxie. I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone, especially you, ’cause I love you. Please, go home and bond with her.”
    Nothing had gone as Max had thought it would. Alexa had always been logical, and he had never been able to argue with her. He couldn’t find fault with her logic this time either. He got up and pulled her off the sofa and into his arms. She was the best friend he had ever had. For some ridiculous reason, deep down inside him, he’d been afraid to tell her about Bliss, afraid he would lose her friendship. Yet, here she was, handing him Bliss on a platter.
    “Alexa, you know I love you,” he mumbled into her dark hair.
    She choked out a laugh. “Yeah, I know you do, Max. Now go home and tell Bliss that you love her ’cause I’ll just bet you haven’t said the words yet.”
    She pushed him away, and Max could see that one tear had spilled over and streaked down her face. He reached out and wiped her wet cheek with his thumb. “You’re the best friend I ever had,” he whispered hoarsely.
    “Ditto,” she replied with a smile.

    Chapter Seven
    When Max got back to Carpe Noctem, the sun had set, and the doors had just opened for the evening. He found Bliss upstairs, eating leftover lasagna. As soon as he walked in, she took her plate to the sink.
    “I expected you a couple of hours ago,” she said as she rinsed the plate.
    Max sat down at the counter and sighed. “I went to see Alexa.”
    The plate clattered in the sink, and Bliss shut the water off. She turned to face him, her expression guarded. Max made a face at her. “It’s not what you think,” he told her.
    Bliss dried her hands on a dishtowel and tossed it aside. “Then what is it?”
    “She told me to go home and let you bite me.”
    Bliss’ blue eyes widened in shock.
    Max laughed. “Not what you were expecting to hear, is it?”
    She shook her head and Max got up, coming around the end of the counter to take her in his arms. “Alexa is not Olivier. She wants me to be happy.”
    “Olivier wants me to be happy,” she protested.
    Max shook his head. “Olivier is sunk deep into his own vision of life. His only focus is his own pain. He uses it to control others including you and Lucien. He had not one thing to say when you told him I was your mate. All he did was give you that look that basically asked if you wanted to end up like him.” Max sighed and kissed the top of her head. “There are no guarantees, Bliss. All I know is that I really don’t want to end up like your brother and if you don’t bond with me, I will. I will be incredibly unhappy.”
    Bliss relaxed against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I see your point. And I’m glad you told Alexa. I didn’t like it that you were hiding this from her. If I was your friend, I’d have punched you for not speaking up.”
    “Yeah, well, Alexa’s not usually violent with me, thank the gods,” he laughed. “That’s not to say she hasn’t gone all vampire on some of the fan girls who stalk me.”
    Bliss chuckled, her hands sliding inside the back of his t-shirt to caress

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