Suzanne Robinson

Free Suzanne Robinson by Lady Hellfire

Book: Suzanne Robinson by Lady Hellfire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lady Hellfire
housekeeper for a tour of the castle, but at the moment I’m not sure where she is.”
    “I think I’ll wear that new morning coat. And the black silk cravat, and whatever goes with them. You know Lady Ophelia died last night.”
    “Yes, my lord. Permit me to offer my sympathy.”
    “Thank you. She was a mountain goat, but she was a kindhearted one. Once I almost believed …”
    Alexis allowed Meredith to apply a hot cloth to his face, grateful that the man said nothing. Meredith had a sensitivity to his moods that had kept them together since Alexis was a youth. Alexis knew the man understood him. There was no need to resort to the embarrassment of putting uncomfortable emotions into words.
    Washed and partially dressed, he stopped in the middle of putting on his shirt.
    “The mountain goats have invaded, Meredith.”
    The valet held the shirt off Alexis’s arm so it wouldn’t wrinkle. “Yes, my lord.”
    “Miss Grey and her mama probably want a title.”
    “No doubt.”
    “Then I should be busy today, and every day they’re here. Ask Major—Mr. Beaufort to be ready to go to the Dower House with me. That will keep me away long enough. And don’t let them come after me.”
    Meredith took the opportunity of Alexis’s pause to slip the shirt into place. He nodded.
    “She’s probably lurking in the dining room,” Alexis said, “poised to strike, crouched on a branch ready to pounce.”
    “I’m afraid you’re in for a great deal of maidenly admiration, my lord.”
    Alexis closed his eyes while Meredith pulled at his coat and arranged his cravat. “What I hate the most is feeling guilty. Ladies seem to have nothing to do but wait for one to appear. It doesn’t matter what one does—hunt, arrange business, read—when whatever it is is complete, there they are, hovering, anxious to please. And they hardly ever do, you know. Please, that is. How many times can I listen to gossip about the Queen, or whether it’s more fashionable to carry a bouquet or a scent bottle to a ball?”
    “Ladies have delicate minds,” Meredith said. He stepped back to survey the results of his work with a pleased look.
    “Delicate? I don’t know. Not Mother. I sometimes think their delicacy is like the fine net on a bonnet. The frothy stuff covers framework much sturdier than one would think. And some ladies’ minds are lined with gutter bricks. Don’t have a fit, Meredith.” Alexis drew in a deep breath. “I’m ready. Thank you.”
    He headed for the small dining room, not surprised when Iago didn’t meet him on the way. The dog only waited for Alexis a short while before he gave up and went bird hunting. Alexis paused before opening the door to the dining room. Sparks of excitement shot through him. The prospect of eluding Miss Grey wasn’t as annoying as he’d thought it would be.
    He opened the door, stepped in, and frowned. She wasn’t there. No matter. She’d be along any moment. The girl had probably set her maid to watch for him so she could appear after he was seated. Alexis rang for tea. He worked his way through cold roast, Welsh rarebit, fruit salad, scones, and more fruit salad. He had the servants leave the door open. No one came. He called for more tea.
    Scowling at the empty doorway, he stirred his tea.
The Times
lay unopened by his plate. He drummed his fingers on it. He dug his fork into the fruit salad, but couldn’t bring himself to eat any more. He’d be bloody damned if he’d slouch about while she frittered time away doing fancywork or making seaweed albums.
    He shoved his chair back from the table. As he did so, the door opposite the dining room opened. It led to the library, and out of that room came Kate Grey and a man.
    Alexis scowled. The girl had been closeted with a man this whole time. Alone. He looked at her companion. All nose and Adam’s apple, and the dress of a professional man.
    Somewhat appeased, he next glared at Miss Grey. His rebuke was wasted, for Miss Grey was still

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