Alpha in a Fur Coat

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Book: Alpha in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
If the situation hadn’t been so serious, Storm might have laughed. He looked like such a typical alpha. He hated it when people identified him as an alpha bear, but his alpha genes were easy to spot. Especially in times of stress or danger. His protective instincts went into high gear, and he wanted to tear to shreds anyone or anything that seemed remotely like a threat to himself or to those he cared about.
    “I’m ready,” Storm said, setting her duffel bag down on the couch and going to grab a pair of sneakers from a shoe rack by the front door. “Just need to get my shoes on.”
    “What about your phone and tablet? Or any other computers that might have identifying data on them? We should destroy those. I can help you with that.”
    Storm nodded, and went to the dining room, where she had left her phone and tablet the night before. “Here, have fun,” she said, tossing the devices to Grant. He caught them and grinned, then dropped them onto the floor. As Storm started lacing up her shoes, Grant made several powerful, high jumps and landed with loud thuds on top of the phone and tablet. The screens on the devices quickly shattered, and after a few more jumps, the weight of Grant’s heavy, muscular body had reduced the rest of the tablet and phone into molecular-sized bits.
    “There’s also the main computer hub for the condo,” Storm said, standing and motioning Grant to the dining room. In the dining room, Storm walked up to a seemingly normal wall and placed her open palm flat against it. Five lights lit up and five beeps sounded off as the hidden fingerprint sensor in the wall identified each of Storm’s fingers.
    “Welcome back, Storm,” the computer cheerily called out. A panel in the wall slid open, revealing a large computer.
    “All yours,” Storm said.
    Grant nodded, then looked around for a moment deciding what he should do. He grabbed one of Storm’s dining room chairs, and walked back over to the computer hub. With a loud grunt, he lifted the thick wooden chair over his head before bringing it down hard on the computer hub. The computer started sounding a warning, but even that warning stopped as Grant rammed the chair into the computer over and over. It didn’t take long until the computer was just a pile of debris, and Storm nodded sadly.
    “Such a waste,” she said. “I didn’t even get a chance to back up my files. But there’s nothing super important on there. The only thing I really care about is my collection of family photos, but I have an online backup of that.”
    “Good,” Grant said. “Because if there was anything on those computers that’s not backed up somewhere else, it’s gone for good now.”
    Before Storm could reply, she heard a loud knocking at her door.
    “Storm? Storm It’s Juno. Are you in there? Your front door computer doesn’t seem to be working.”
    Storm chuckled and glanced over at Grant. “Yup. You definitely ruined my computers.”
    Grant grinned and then grabbed Storm’s duffel bag from her, swinging it easily over his shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
    Storm opened the door, then quickly explained to Juno that her computer had already been destroyed and that they were ready to go. By the time the group of three got outside and to the spot where Grant’s hovercar was parked, Bash had arrived in his hovercar. Jack and Silver were with him.
    They all jumped out and started talking at once, until Grant hushed them. “Guys, come on. Keep it down. It’s almost three in the morning and you’re going to wake people up with all this racket. The last thing we need is some cops showing up or something because someone couldn’t sleep thanks to you.
    Everyone quieted down, and Grant started speaking again, quieter this time. “Alright, everyone. Give me a few minutes to scramble the electronic signals on both of these hovercars. This is difficult to do, so you all really need to be quiet and let me concentrate. I can only temporarily

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