Alpha in a Fur Coat

Free Alpha in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers

Book: Alpha in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
now? Odds were good that his days in Chicago were over forever.
    Grant nodded his thanks to Ralph, then picked up the box and started walking toward the door of the small shop. Before leaving, he stopped and turned around to look at the men sitting around the counter, still drinking and smoking, and looking like they had no plans to stop any time soon.
    “Guys, listen. I can’t explain everything right now, but there’s a lot of chaos coming to the city tomorrow afternoon. Keep your wives and kids inside tomorrow. And go first thing in the morning to stock up on bottled water and nonperishable food. Trust me. Do it in the morning. The afternoon might be too late.”
    The men stared back at him warily, but Ralph slowly nodded his head. “Will do, Grant. Thanks for the heads up.”
    Grant nodded, and then left the shop. He climbed into his hovercar and ordered it take him home. Then he started making some phone calls. Time to tell the Fur Coats that they’d better get packing.
    He tried Storm first, but she didn’t answer. So he moved on to his best friend Jack. He’d try Storm again in a few minutes, and hope he could manage to wake her up then.
    “Hello? Grant?” Jack’s sleepy voice came on the line.
    “Jack , buddy. Get up. And wake Silver up if she’s with you.”
    “What’s wrong?” Jack asked, his voice sounding slightly more awake and filling with concern.
    “There’s been a change of plans,” Grant said. “We fly tonight.”

Chapter Eight
    “Call from, Silver Rowe. Call from Silver Rowe.”
    Storm slowly came out of her dream-filled daze, and realized that the computer’s voice hadn’t just been in her dreams. Her best friend Silver was actually calling her, which didn’t make sense because it was still dark out. What time was it, anyway? Storm rolled over and looked at the soft blue light of the electronic time display on her nightstand. 2:12 a.m.
    Storm suddenly sat up straight in bed, the fog of sleep disappearing quickly. Silver was calling her at two in the morning? That meant something was wrong.
    “Answer call!” Storm yelled out. But it was too late. The call had already gone to voicemail.
    “Storm, wake up! We’ve all been trying to call you for the last hour. We have to get out of the city tonight. Wake up and pack your shit!”
    The voicemail ended with a sharp beep, and Storm bounded out of bed, confused and disoriented. She headed to the computer screen embedded into her wall, which automatically synced with her phone no matter where in the condo the phone was located. Storm swiped at the screen, and saw that she had seventeen missed calls. Grant, Jack, Bash, Juno and Silver had all been calling her.
    “What the hell? How did I sleep through all of that?” Storm asked aloud. She had been exhausted after the day she’d had yesterday, but had she really been tired enough to sleep through seventeen phone calls?
    Just as Storm was about to order the computer to call Silver back, the computer connected to her front door spoke up.
    “You have a visitor, Storm. Grant Ray is here. Permit access?”
    Storm frowned. “Permit access,” she said, then started heading for the front door, forgetting that she was wearing only short pajama shorts and a sleep camisole with no bra underneath. She only realized how revealing her outfit was when Grant stepped through her front door and couldn’t keep his eyes from sliding down to where her nipples were poking through her shirt.
    “Oh, uh, I just woke up,” Storm said, her cheeks turning red as she reached for the first jacket she could grab in the coat closet and threw it on to cover her skimpy pajamas. Of course, the jacket was a thick down coat, intended for the coldest of winter days. Tonight was an unusually warm late summer night. It only took a few moments for Storm to start sweating inside the jacket, but she refused to take it off. Instead she stubbornly looked up at Grant, who seemed unsure of how to react to her sudden outfit

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