Detective Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Bear Patrol Book 2)

Free Detective Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Bear Patrol Book 2) by Scarlett Grove

Book: Detective Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Bear Patrol Book 2) by Scarlett Grove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Grove
coward, Lola," Gauge said. "You are the strongest person I know. You survived Justin Lockheart and still have an open heart. That takes the most courage of all. Don't you see? Remaining a loving person in the face of fear, anger and despair is the most courageous anyone on this planet is capable of being. It doesn't take a big muscular man with a big dangerous gun to be courageous. Sometimes courage is in the heart of a survivor who refuses to give in to the fear and the pain."
    "Oh, Gauge," Lola said. "You make me feel like maybe I can live again. Maybe I can have a real life of my own.”

    L ola spent another half of a day in the hospital, getting filled up with fluids and nutritional supplements to help with her malnutrition. By the time they released her from the hospital, she was feeling better than she had in a long time.
    Her eye still stung from where Justin had hit her, but it was a small thing compared to the excitement of finally having her freedom. Gauge had sat beside her the entire time at the hospital, and asked questions every time a nurse or doctor came into the room.
    She’d been up at the compound for so long, driving through town almost felt overwhelming to her. Fate Mountain was a small community but there were more people driving down the street and walking on the sidewalks than she had seen in over a year.
    When Gauge drove up in front of his house and parked his truck, he helped her out and they walked up the front path together. His front yard was slightly overgrown but there were healthy hedges under the front windows of his craftsman style house.
    They took the steps on the front porch where Lola noticed two Adirondack chairs sitting beside each other. They faced the front yard and the established street, lined with old maple trees that were full of green leaves. The trees cast shadow over Gauge’s front lawn. It was a lovely neighborhood and Lola felt her heart swell, just thinking of what it must be like to be part of the world again.
    Gauge unlocked the front door, and they walked inside. It was cool and dark in the front room, but he pushed back the curtains and let the light in. Lola looked around at the stone fireplace and the big screen TV on the far wall. Gauge had big leather couches and an easy chair facing the television.

    “ M ake yourself comfortable . I’ll get us something to drink.”
    Lola was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a pair of flip-flops that had been provided for her at the hospital. Her own clothing had been too ripped and dirty to put back on. She kicked off the flip-flops and tucked her feet up under herself, feeling the soft cushions of the couch under her skin.
    She hadn't felt such comfort in so very long that it made her let out a long sigh of pleasure. Gauge came back in the room with two tall glasses of iced tea. She took a sip of the tea and reveled in the smooth, sweet flavor. She smiled up at him as he sat next to her and wrapped his arm around the back of the couch where she sat.
    "This is a really nice house," she said, taking another sip of tea.
    "I like it," he said, looking around his living room. "I don't spend that much time here because I'm usually deeply involved in my cases. But I plan to be home much more often now. Especially since we've taken out Justin's gang and the main source of crystal in the area."
    "It was a tremendous accomplishment for you," she said reaching out to touch his arm.
    He met her gaze and wrapped his big hand over her small one. She felt the warmth of his palm radiate through the back of her hand and an electric shiver went through her body.
    She remembered the erotic moments they'd shared back up on the mountain. It seemed like a lifetime ago when it had only been the night before. After everything that had gone down in the last twenty-four hours, sitting with Gauge in his home now made her feel a little unsure and shy.
    Gauge wrapped his fingers around her hand and brought her knuckles to his mouth

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