Revenge of Cornelius
damned if I'm going to be treated like an invalid around
here. I'm going out there!" He put down his mug.
    "You're certainly not!" Sara
protested. "Unless you're going to say hello to the young man who's
out there working for free, you have no reason to go out there
right now. There comes a time in life, honey, when we have to allow
other people to help us."
    "What're you talking about? I always
allowed Bobby to help me."
    "Yes, you did, but you hardly let him
lift a finger." She sighed. "Let him work in peace, Michael. Show
him that you don't think you always have to do it yourself in order
for it to get done."
    Michael looked at her knowing she had
won the fight. "All right! I'm going outside."
    Michael's movement across the front
yard was sort of slow, and Bobby immediately shut off the mower and
went over to him.
    "Morning, Mister Cullen. How are you
this morning?" he asked in his usual upbeat voice.
    "Doing good, Son. Thanks for coming by
    "Don't mention it, sir."
    "Guess Mira spoke to you."
    "She said you weren't feeling so well
and thought it would be best if I just went to work right away
instead of disturbing you. Sorry about the noise," Bobby
    "I'm A-ok, Son. Nothing serious."
Michael thought to convince him. "By the way, the noise sounds
good—means the yard is getting done. Will let you handle things
today, but I'll be back out here next time right along with you as
always, all right?"
    Bobby smiled and quickly nodded. "Yes,
    Michael watched from the front porch
until the sun came out briskly, then he retreated inside the house.
Mira and Rosie helped Bobby in the yard until it was time for Rosie
to get dressed for her outing.
    * * *
    Andrea reached for her purse from the
couch and tossed the strap across her shoulder. Theo was sitting on
the sofa reading the newspaper.
    "Tell your Daddy bye ," she said to Alex
who had just trotted down the stairs.
    Theo lowered the paper. "Come give
Daddy a kiss before you go." He smiled.
    The boy hurried over and smooched his
father on the cheek.
    "Why aren't you coming with us,
Daddy?" he asked.
    "Daddy's a bit tired today. I'll come
next time okay?"
    Alex nodded affirmatively.
    "We'll be back before four," Andrea
told Theo.
    "So I don't get a kiss from my wife?"
He stood up. Andrea failed to answer, but went over and kissed him.
He held her hand.
    "I love you, darling. It'll be all
right. I promise."
    She slipped her hand away from his and
headed to the door with Alex.
    The child gave his father one last
look before they walked out.
    The green Buick pulled up in front of
the house. Bobby was shirtless and pouring sweat as he raked up the
scattered grass leaves into a heap.
    "Good day," Andrea hailed as she
headed for the front door.
    "Hi!" Bobby replied, wiping sweat from
his forehead with the back of his hand.
    Alex was waiting in the car with the
windows rolled down, looking on.
    As Andrea approached the door, Mira
and Rosie came out to meet her. Sara was standing in the
entranceway, waving cheerfully.
    The women exchanged pleasantries and
Rosie turned back and gave her grandmother a great, big hug. She
then hugged Mira.
    "I'll see you a bit later,
sweetheart," Mira said.
    The child skipped toward the car and
Alex beamed with excitement that his little friend was joining
    Sara and Mira stood on the porch as
the three drove off into the distance.
    "Does she seem all right to you?" Sara
    "Who? Mrs. Benjamin?"
    "Uh huh."
    "Why do you ask?"
    "Looks a little stressed to me," Sara
    "The way she looks today was how she
looked the first time I saw her," Mira stated.
    "I don't suppose it's easy being the
wife of a politician."
    "I suppose not," Mira agreed. "On
another note: That little girl of mine never seems to get enough
    "And neither did her mother when she
was her age." Sara turned to leave.
    "Bobby, dear, would you like a cold
drink of water?" Sara cried out to him.
    "Yes, Ma'am.

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