Leader: Book Three (Princes of Prophecy 3)

Free Leader: Book Three (Princes of Prophecy 3) by L. Ann Marie

Book: Leader: Book Three (Princes of Prophecy 3) by L. Ann Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Ann Marie
    Some of the guys show and the women are moving around, dancing and talking to the old MC Brothers. Danny pulls Kate away to dance and I look for Little Ben. He must be with Pres. Aubrey and Brenda sit with me and Marty and I tell them about the reservation.
    Aubrey’s head is bouncing up and down. “Aiyana lives there. She says it’s beautiful.”
    “She’s right, it is.” A hand is on my shoulder and I look back.
    “We can take her down the next cliff diving day,” Little Ben says smiling at her.
    Marty laughs. “Over my dead body. Or maybe yours. My daughter is not going anywhere near cliff diving.”
    Jess sits laughing. “It’s not actually cliff diving. I just call it that to make it sound exciting. It’s more like bluff diving which doesn’t sound as cool.”
    Marty’s shaking her head no and Little Ben pulls me away. “Dance with me?”
    Oh definitely. I used to tease the shit out of him when we learned to dance. He’s a good dancer and is sure in his movements. I tease him by grinding into him until he drags me away. Brenda is doing the same to Racks and laughs as I’m being pulled off the dance floor. Kate’s laughing and Pres is shaking his head, but he’s smiling.
    I’ve got the biggest smile on my face the entire walk to his room. When he closes the door he spins me around so I’m facing him. “I want your mouth on me right the fuck now.” My whole body shivers. I drop to my knees and unzip him. “Were you teasing me?” I nod working to keep the smile off my face. He’s not happy. “The next time you tease me I’m spanking your ass.”
    I’ve never been spanked and it sounds kinky as hell. I squeeze my legs together feeling that before I slide him in my mouth I look up at him. “Okay.”
    “Jesus!” His hand goes in my hair. Since he’s been hard for a while now I do just like Mitch’s book and try to make it good for him. “Christ that’s good.” He doesn’t sound mad so I relax and keep going. I’m glad I read it so many times. I can do this without missing any steps. “Pull away babe.” He loosens his hold on my head, but I’m not stopping. I take a breath through my nose and swallow him. “Fuck Lily!” He holds my head tight and I pull him out a little. Wow that’s not as hard as I thought it would be. I almost gagged with his bar hitting my throat, but I did it.
    He leans back against the door and I smile up at him proud of myself. “I’ve got no room to complain if your response to teasing me is that. Jesus, Lily your mouth is fuckin’ good.”
    He holds his hand out for me. I take it still smiling. I’m shocked when he kisses me and he smiles. “My turn. Lean over the bed face down.” He isn’t asking and I get a shiver of excitement running through me. “You like being told what to do. That works for me. Now Lily, face down.” He slaps my ass and I yelp, but move quickly. I’m really liking it here. “Hands on your bars.” I hold in my moan and move my hands. I’m getting hot with him telling me what to do in that Prez voice. He pulls my skirt up and moans. “Fuckin’ women.” He slaps my ass and rips my panties. I turn my face to the bed and smile. “You’re dripping wet Lily. I think you like being spanked.” I think so too, but I’m not saying a word. He bites my ass making a sound and I feel the wet on my thighs. Damn. I like that too. As soon as his tongue hits my ring I’m moving and get another slap. “Still.” I stop and whimper hoping he puts his mouth back on me. He’s squeezing my ass, but doesn’t move back. “That’s it beautiful girl. Stay still and I’ll give you what you want.” I freeze. His mouth is on me and I don’t move. When I come my knees buckle and he slaps me again making me cry out. “No baby, no yelling.” His arm goes under me and he slams into me. I bury my face in the bed and moan. I have no idea how long he goes on; it feels like one long orgasm. I need to ask about this, but I’m

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