Batter Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 1)

Free Batter Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 1) by Robyn Neeley

Book: Batter Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 1) by Robyn Neeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Neeley
she lives, maybe you could take it?”
    Emma smirked. “What, taking a break?”
    Jason pulled out one of the coffee cups. He wrapped a brown paper napkin around the container and handed it to her. “Bob at the Star Lite told me blueberry iced coffee is your favorite . . . extra cream and sugar. Made to order.”
    Emma paused but then took the cup. No need to turn down an already made caffeinated beverage. Besides, he was right. Blueberry iced coffee was indeed her favorite. “Thanks.” She started to shut the door again.
    “Emma, you’re really going to take the coffee I bought you and leave me out here?”
    “Yep.” She stared at him for a second. Wednesday night’s preppy outfit was replaced with khaki shorts and a dark blue T-shirt. With his tan boat shoes, he looked like he was ready for a day out on the lake.
    “No, I guess not.”
    “I was thinking we could drink them out there.” He nodded to the swing at the very end of the dock. “Talk a little.”
    “You know. Get to know each other.” He chuckled. “Call me traditional, but I’d like to know a little bit about the woman I’m about to have a fling with.”
    Emma eyed him. First, he brought over her favorite coffee. Now he wanted to get to know her Was this sudden interest simply a trick to get her to open up about Batter Up night? It probably was.
    She thought for a minute. She could easily make up some excuse not to join him, but her mother always did believe in the saying, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” This man was definitely not her friend. “Fine. I’ll meet you on the dock, Mr. Levine.” She handed him back her coffee.
    “Jason. Call me Jason.”
    There were other names she’d prefer to call him. She flashed him a bright, phony smile. “Jason.”
    Shutting the door, she headed to her room to change. Magic had taken to the center of her bed, sprawled out on his back with paws up in the air. “Sorry, buddy. I didn’t mean to drop you.” She scratched his belly and then threw on khaki shorts and a short-sleeve red top. Grabbing her Red Sox hat from her nightstand, she threw her hair up in a high ponytail and placed it on.
    Brushing her teeth, she glanced in her bathroom mirror. Was this guy really her summer fling? Maybe she could check with Betty and Bridget later to see if there was an exchange policy.
    Once outside, her gaze rested on Jason who rocked on the white wooden swing. He was on his phone. Probably talking to Caitlin. She took her time reaching him, studying his features.
    Her heart sped up with each step. Its constant galloping every time she came within ten feet of this man was getting on her nerves. He was trying to ruin her livelihood, after all.
    “I’ll have to call you back.” He set his phone to his side and squinted up. “Oh, I’m sorry. This isn’t going to work.”
    “What?” She crisscrossed her arms. Maybe this was a bad idea.
    He pointed to the top of her head. “It’s the cap. I can’t let you sit with me.”
    She smiled. “Yankees fan?”
    “Touché.” He shifted to make room for her, handing her back her coffee. “I guess you can stay.”
    Emma sat down and sipped her coffee, letting the caffeinated beverage flow down her throat and do its magic. Her taste buds welcomed the familiar blueberry syrup.
    Jason was the first to break the ice. “So, the auction was quite something.”
    She bit down on her straw. “That’s one way to describe it.”
    “Think the animal shelter will name the new wing after you?”
    “They should.” She hadn’t forgotten that as soon as she dropped off the check to the shelter, her bank account would be five thousand dollars less. What was she thinking? The money she had been saving to finally buy a new car was now spent on this stranger sitting next to her, whom—not to forget—she despised. Five grand down the drain.
    She smiled dryly. “It’s for a good cause. With that

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