Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2)

Free Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2) by Jessica Swan

Book: Shadows of the Moon (Black Wolf Agency Book 2) by Jessica Swan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Swan
that she wouldn’t tell him about Black Wolf Agency, and in turn, she wouldn’t tell him that the killer had already been caught.
    “You have a clear advantage over the rest of us. There’s a good chance you can catch him, Selene. It seems he is trying to pick us off, one by one. You want to at least try to prevent the deaths of any others from our team, right?”
    “Yes. Okay, I’ll try,” she said, hoping her boss wouldn’t find out the truth.
    After the meeting, Mr. Gates had Selene work in the office for the rest of the day, despite him claiming he wanted her to execute the task of hunting down and killing the murderer. Selene managed to get her work done okay that day, just barely. Thoughts and memories of her crazy, out-of-this-world weekend she had kept revisiting her, along with what had happened at the meeting.
    Every time someone would walk by her office, she would flinch or even jump. She also found that she was often glancing into the lobby, looking for anyone suspicious. She was very thankful that she wasn’t one of the tellers, who had to deal with every stranger that walked into the building. The only people she had to interact with were the occasional people seeing if they could get a loan, or open a new bank account. Most of her work was done on the computer.
    Sure enough, just after she finished that thought, a man knocked on her door, nearly startling her out of her seat.
    “Miss Beckett?” he asked, alarmed by her reaction to his arrival.
    Selene looked up and studied the man before her; he was medium-height with light-brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. At first, she approved of him, but when he stepped closer, she could smell his scent; he was a werewolf. Whether he was a good or bad werewolf, she didn’t know, but it worried her having him here in her presence with all that’s been going on. Either werewolves were more common than believed, or this one was after her, too, perhaps.
    “Um, yes, that’s me,” she answered with slight hesitation. Hopefully he didn’t notice that. “How may I help you?”
    “I’m looking into purchasing some property in the country, just outside the city,” he explained, never taking his eyes off her, even as he sat down in the chair across from her. She found it kind of creepy.
    “So, you would like to apply for a mortgage then, right?”
    “Well, no. I would just like some information for now, if that’s alright.”
    “Okay, well, mortgage rates are currently―”
    “You have the most gorgeous eyes,” he interrupted.
    “Um, thanks.” Normally a compliment like that would make her blush, at least coming from someone like Marcus. But coming from this man in front of her, no. She felt her face flush slightly as her nerves began to get the best of her. “Anyways, you only get the low rate if you qualify―”
    “Do you live nearby, Selene?”
    “Excuse me, sir, but if you ask any more personal questions like this, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
    “I’m just curious. It’s not often that I come across a bank employee as attractive as you. Are you seeing anyone?”
    As a matter of fact, she was. Well, sort of. She didn’t know what her relationship with Marcus was labeled as. A low growl emitted from her throat involuntarily, and she answered, “Yes, I am, and either way, I wouldn’t be interested. No offense. Now, are you here to talk business, or pick up someone?”
    “Never mind,” he said, getting up and pushing in his chair. “Sorry to bother you.”
    Selene didn’t say a word as he stepped out of the room. She watched him closely as he made his way through the lobby and to the elevator. When he was gone, she let out a heavy sigh of relief. She wished work was over for the day. Luckily, it was 4:30pm and Marcus would be picking her up in half an hour.

    It was a slow day at the agency. There were no murders since before Sam was captured and detained. Everyone was relieved, but the city was alarmingly

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