Designs in Crime

Free Designs in Crime by Carolyn Keene

Book: Designs in Crime by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
    â€œNot all glamour and smiles?” Nancy teased.
    Outside the huge windows of the workroom, night had descended over New York City. The studio had emptied out, except for Beau, Angel, and Mrs. Chong.
    â€œYou’ve been a big help, Bess,” Beau told her.
    â€œThanks,” Bess said, smiling. “I love being around all these gorgeous gowns. Though you guys do put in long days.”
    â€œWe’ll be here for a few more hours,” Angel explained to the girls as he sketched a gown that hung on a dress form in front of him.
    Mrs. Chong barreled through the room, Joanna’s replacement gown in her arms. “Sewing all night,” she complained. “I sew in my sleep.” She marched into her little sewing room.
    â€œShe’s got a lot on her mind,” Beau said as if apologizing for Mrs. Chong.
    â€œI guess we’ll head out,” Nancy said. “We’ll seeyou tomorrow after our—appointment.” She didn’t want to be more specific within earshot of Angel and Mrs. Chong.
    â€œSo long,” Beau said, disappearing into his office as the girls headed out to the elevator.
    â€œWhat’s the plan for tomorrow?” Bess asked as the elevator doors opened and the girls stepped inside.
    â€œWe have an appointment at Budget Fashions at nine-thirty,” Nancy said, explaining how Jill’s assistant had vouched for them. “After she got the okay from Jill, she set the whole thing up. She told Budget that we’re in a training program at Mitchell’s.” Nancy and Bess crossed the lobby and opened the door into the cool autumn night.
    â€œLet’s walk a bit and then hail a cab,” she said. Just then, she heard a squeaking noise above them. Glancing up, she saw that it was just a window being forced open.
    A second later Nancy noticed a dark figure edging out from the opening above them. Suddenly it was falling—plunging toward the sidewalk.
    It was going to hit Nancy and Bess!


    L OOK OUT !” Nancy shouted, at the same time throwing her arms around Bess and sweeping them both back toward the front door.
    They landed on the cold cement threshold just as Nancy heard the thud of the body hitting the pavement nearby.
    â€œOuch!” Bess said, sitting up and rubbing her elbow. “What happened?”
    Nancy steeled herself to check on the body. For a moment she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, then she sighed with relief. On the sidewalk, in the spot where she and Bess had been standing, lay a dress form clothed in a muslin gown, its metal stand bent from the fall.
    â€œThat’s a relief,” Nancy said, brushing herself off as she nodded at the dressmaker’s dummy. “Ithought that was a person falling out of the window.”
    Bess grimaced. “I’m glad you were wrong,” she said, “but that thing still came within a foot of clobbering us.”
    Nancy looked up at the building just in time to see the huge window three stories up being slammed shut. “It came from the fourth floor,” she said, running through the floor plan in her mind. “From the workroom of Beau’s studio.”
    â€œCould it have fallen accidentally?” Bess asked, picking the dummy up.
    â€œThat’s doubtful,” Nancy said, frowning. “Let’s take this upstairs and find out what happened.”
    Beau was surprised to see Nancy and Bess at the door with one of his slightly battered dress forms. He summoned Angel and Mrs. Chong, who listened intently as Nancy described the incident.
    â€œBut who could have done it?” Angel asked, his dark eyes concerned. “The three of us are the only ones left in the studio. I was putting gowns back into the vault, and Mrs. Chong was in the sewing room.”
    â€œI was on the phone in my office,” Beau said, frowning. “I’m glad you girls didn’t get hurt.”
    Mrs. Chong said to Nancy, “I

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