Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W)

Free Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W) by Sage Domini Page A

Book: Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W) by Sage Domini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sage Domini
Tags: new adult, college, BBW, Curvy, Werewolf, Alpha, older man, boyfriends father
say about it,
and I do, you’re going.”
    Claire beamed in the embrace of her
two brothers. An assortment of Casteels sifted past, murmuring
greetings. I’d begun feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the families
and faces. The muscles of my face were also hurting due to an
excess of smiling.
    As the tension wrought by the brief
confrontation with the hunters began to subside, the Luna Junction
Yule celebration could be mistaken for a typical holiday party.
Adults lurched around overfed and drunk. Children careened around,
engaged in their imaginary battles. The food was all but gone,
having disappeared with shocking alacrity. I observed with some
small pride that even my lumpy cookies had some takers.
    Hours passed before the children began
to tire. Their protests were sleepy and vague as they were carried
out to hay-lined barn, their parents issuing soothing promises of
the next day’s joys.
    Minutes ticked past and the moon rose
higher. I glanced at my watch. It was technically Christmas. I
jumped slightly at the first howl and Cade put a steady hand on my
shoulder. A hundred other voices joined the first in a long howl of
life and celebration. If I were a wild creature in those dark woods
the sound would almost certainly make me piss with terror. I
watched, captivated, as clothing was shed without modesty or
ceremony and living shapes changed form.
    Cade wrapped his arms around me as the
werewolves of Luna Junction leapt into the woods. Matthew and
Claire smiled at one another, then promptly tossed off their
clothing and joined in the howling parade. I looked up at Cade,
wondering if he was going to participate.
    He read my gaze and shook his head.
“Not this time.”
    “ Hey, don’t deprive
yourself on my account. I don’t mind, really.”
    But he only kissed me sweetly and
patted my rear end before he wandered off, stepping over a variety
of clothing piles. He pointed to the nearly empty buffet table.
“Think I’ll start cleaning up this mess.”
    Without Cade beside me, the cold
seeped in. I hugged my body, figuring I might as well assist with
the cleanup effort so I headed to the kitchen in search of trash
bags. I hadn’t seen Michael Casteel since he disappeared into the
crowd after our unpleasant little exchange. When he materialized at
the threshold of the Landon house, I was afraid. His eyes were none
too friendly as he coolly appraised me and though he stood closer
than I liked, I didn’t flinch.
    He touched the lapels of my coat and
pulled me forward a few inches. “You’d be better off wherever you
came from.”
    I twisted away from him. “What the
hell is your problem, anyway?”
    Michael’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
He was probably unused to anyone, let alone a meager human,
speaking to him so sharply. “I don’t like you,” he said
    “ I’m not terribly fond of
you either. But really, why don’t you just keep your snout out of
who is mating with who?” A shadow played out of the corner of my
eye and I saw Cade tensely watching.
    The Sheriff of Luna Junction regarded
me thoughtfully. Finally he burst into laughter. He walked over to
Cade and slapped him harshly on the back. “Shrill little thing,
isn’t she? Have her, then, Landon.”
    “ I don’t need your
permission,” Cade growled but Michael Casteel was already
sauntering away.
    “ Nonetheless, I’m giving it
to you.” Michael waved a dismissive hand and began removing his
clothing, dropping garments where they fell. When he was completely
naked he turned his face to the sky and bayed a long and lusty
howl. In the space of a breath the giant dark wolf which replaced
his human form bounded into the woods with all the other
    I exhaled thickly, watching the dense
cloud of my breath evaporate. Now that my adrenaline was fading I
felt a little shaky.
    Cade stared at me anxiously. “You
    I kept my voice even. “I’m fine, Cade.
Just perfect.”
    There was a hint of pride
in his dark eyes as a smile

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