Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W)
    Jager grinned thinly before replacing
his hood. “Just remember folks, we’re watching. Always
    As the pair retreated back into the
woods a voice from the Luna Junction crowd yelled “Fuckers!” and a
smattering of laughter followed. The four family heads remained
where they were until the hunters were long gone.

Chapter 9
    “ Well,” a deep male voice
purred in my ear, “that was intense. Glad I skipped it.”
    “ Jesus!” I jumped several
feet. The bronzed godlike man who had silently sidled beside me
wore a battered metal star on his chest and seemed somehow
    Claire scowled. “Don’t be a dick,
    “ Sis,” he laughed. “You
never call. I didn’t know you were in town.”
    “ Bullshit.”
    Michael smiled. “Yeah, there’s a lot
of that going around.”
    Matthew stepped in front of Claire. I
had never seen his face so cold. “Can we expect no interference
from you, Casteel?”
    Casteel. “So you’re Claire’s douchebag brother.” Oh dear, I
really needed to start managing my personal filter more
    But Michael Casteel roared with
laughter and I remembered where I’d seen him before. He’d been one
of the Chippendale clones who stood on a street corner and nodded
to Matthew as we passed through the center of town. He stopped
laughing abruptly and pressed forward, toward Matthew. His voice
was low and ominous. “You should have asked my
    “ You wouldn’t have given
    Michael considered. “Probably not. But
I am the head of the family and sheriff to boot.”
    Cade was suddenly right behind me.
“You’re only sheriff because we made you such.”
    Michael’s eyes narrowed. “Step back,
half breed.” He turned to his sister. “Really, Claire? This is what
you had in mind all along? A pretty little domesticated Landon
    One of the Ivanov girls snickered in
the background. Kate Ivanov slapped her hard.
    Claire stood her ground.
    Michael shrugged. “Well, I assume it’s
too late now is it not?”
    Claire blushed and looked at the
ground. Matthew drew his arm around her thin shoulders. “It is,” he
    “ Well, all right then. Next
item of business.” He turned to me expectantly.
    After everything that had happened in
the past two days I was in no mood to cater to the whims of a
prejudiced werewolf. “Yeah, I get it. You have a thing against
humans. Well dude, I’m not going to put myself out trying to change
your mind so why don’t you just sit down, enjoy a hunk of meat with
some beer and try to stop tormenting people?”
    “ People,” he laughed to
himself. “People.”
    I rolled my eyes. “You know what I
    He looked me up and down. “I do.
What’s your name, little one?”
    “ Tatum Murphy.”
    I could hear the smile in Cade’s
voice. “Tatum Landon.”
    I nodded, trying to look tall. “Yup,
and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”
    Michael Casteel stared at me frostily
for moment, then stalked toward the food. The crowd parted before
him as if he were Moses.
    I shook my head. “What an asshole,” I
    Cade chuckled in my ear. He hugged me
briefly. “Damn but I knew you had some fire in you.”
    The man standing in front of me
suddenly looked like Michael Casteel but his expression was far
less deadly. He grasped my hand warmly. “Abe Casteel. I’m less of
an asshole.”
    I shook his hand, liking him already.
“Good. I’ve had my fill for the evening.”
    Abe jerked his head in the direction
of a broad-shouldered young man. “That’s our little brother,
    Claire hugged them both fiercely.
Gideon lifted her in the air and she squealed. “Gid’s a star
quarterback at Williams High.”
    Gideon’s dark blonde hair fell in his
face as he peered at me shyly. “Trying to convince Michael to allow
me to accept a full ride to UCLA.”
    Abe slapped his brother’s shoulder
playfully. “No worries, Gid. If I have anything to

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