Love Condemned: Beginnings

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Authors: Stephanie Brown
frightening was the comment that they would start to kill two people each day until their demands are met. Adrian could not help but wonder what these people plan to accomplish by taking hostages. Once again, everyone look ed at Adrian for some sort of direction. He just nodded his head for them to continue as they have been. He had to buy some time to think of a plan. There had to be a way to get out of this. But he was not a hero. He could barely make it through college, how could he plan to stop terrorists?
    Adrian pulled Miranda closer. He did not care anymore about the connection, just wanted to be close to her and make her feel safe. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the top of the head and whispered, “Everything is going to be fine. I will get us out of here.” After he said that, he realized that he had made a promise that he would have to figure out how to keep.
    Miranda wasn't able to describe what Adrian's soothing words did with her, but it was a miracle she calmed down some more. Somehow she felt safe again. Her eyes closed when she felt him press a kiss on the top of her head. She suddenly wondered if this would have happened outside of the walls of this prison, in the free world. She stirred a little against him, realizing this was a very odd time to be thinking about it. She couldn't help but imagine where they would be in relation to each other when this was all over or if they both came out of it alive.  
    The next several hours went on without much incident. The terrorists brought some jugs of water and something that resembled pizza for them to pass around. Adrian waited until he was sure everyone ate before he took anything. By the time it got to him, there was only one slice left. It did not bother him. He was young and strong and could do without if it meant others survived and remained calm. Miranda had taken up position next to Adrian, with her knees against her chest and her chin leaning on them. The threat of the kidnappers was slowly wearing off. She could almost pretend they weren't even there. Miranda stared at no particular point on the wall opposite the bed.
    In the corner of her eye, she saw the man approach. Her body went stiff from fear as the man reached down to grab her arm again. She was not ready to be ripped away from Adrian. She had just calmed down and wanted to close her eyes. The man yanked her to her feet, dragging her out the door. He was not in the mood for her resistance this time. Luckily for him, she did not have the energy to put up a fight.

Chapter Fifteen
    Back at the reception, nothing had changed. The snipers were still in place, the double doors were still barricaded and there was no staff to be seen. Miranda's eyes went wide when she saw the array of police cars that stood in front of the hotel, all with their lights on . The swarms of police were running around from one side to the other, anxiously discussing the situation with each other. The man let go of her arm, dropping her into a chair. He pushed both the phone and a piece of paper in her hand. Miranda’s stomach churned at the thought of what she had to do next. She dialed the number on the sheet of paper with shaking hands and brought the phone to her ear. 
    While she was reporting to the heavily accented police, Miranda had to pretend this was a scene in a horror movie not to faint or start crying.   It isn't real, Miranda. Just read it. It has no meaning for you. You will be fine. And Adrian too.  The voice of an officer said something in her ear, but his accent was unintelligible over the phone. "I can't understand you," said Miranda with a small voice, but the Italian next to her seemed to think she was up to something. He snatched the phone out of her hand and threw it on the machine. The man started to yell in a strong accent that Miranda was unable to understand. He grabbed her arm and dragged her back to the room.
    Miranda hardly felt the pressure on her bruised arm anymore . She tried

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