Dying to Live

Free Dying to Live by Roxy De Winter

Book: Dying to Live by Roxy De Winter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy De Winter
Tags: Zombies
you!” Lucy flustered at the look of amusement she was receiving from everyone. “And I mean, not just for the water... It’s been a tough day and I figure you guys saved my life back there. Even if you did bring me back here,” She smiled apologetically.
    Upon finding the coast to be clear, they five of them made their way inside. It was somewhat cramped in the restrictive quarters of the guard house. However, it offered the comfort of air conditioning, which despite the cabins abandonment was still whirring away. It looked as though the guards that had occupied this post had left in a hurry. It didn’t take a genius to guess that they had been called down to the main facility as soon as the breach had occurred. There were mugs of coffee that had long since gone cold, stood besides a checkers board with a half played game still set up. The cabin was all open-plan and at one end was a glass window, with a small panel that controlled access via the gates. Beside the panel was a mounted monitor. It was showing various security camera feeds, most of which displayed scenes of eerie stillness. Others played images of bloody carnage, and a very small number showed staggering, brutalised forms that by all rights should be dead. On the wall to the left of the security set, was a locked cabinet that presumably contained guns and ammunition. This was another source of comfort that their shelter provided. The place was actually fairly well equipped for a short stake out. It had a small bunk area, with enough beds for four people to sleep, and an adequate kitchen area with a kettle, a microwave and miniature fridge. There was also a small TV set, a comfortable sofa and two armchairs that made up a small kind of living area. The main wall of this area had a huge map of the site fixed to it and at a desk in the corner was an old computer.
    “Okay, so we obviously need to figure out our next move. I think this is as good a place as any to do that,” Pete said, looking around. “It offers the necessities. We’re out of the way here and the cameras make it easily defensible. Not to mention the guns that I hope are locked in there,” He added, nodding towards the locker.
    Frank perked up. “Hey, boss. I can get that open and find out if you like?”
    Pete chuckled.
    “Good call. It’s definitely worth a shot. I’m guessing that you can work on that and still listen while Lucy tells us what she knows?” He asked.
    “Of course. Who said guys can’t multitask?” Frank snorted. Then with a mock salute, he hopped up from his chair and headed over to inspect the lock.
    Everyone else’s eyes came to rest on Lucy.
    “No pressure then, huh?” She laughed tensely.
    “I don’t want to remind you that we could have happily left you out there...” Bao began sharply. He was cut off by one barely noticeable shake of the head from Pete. This sent Bao’s anger bubbling to a point that he could barely keep control of. He pressed his lips to a thin line and prayed that he could keep his calm with this man.
    “No, none at all Lucy,” Pete said sincerely. “Go on.”
    Lucy inhaled a deep breath as she pulled her thoughts together and wondered where to begin. Her eyes fell on the map occupying the stretch of wall across from where she sat. With a strike of inspiration, she got up and went to stand in front of it. Spotting a marker pen in a jar beside the computer, she picked that up too.
    “Alright, this will make it easier for you to understand,” She said. “This square here...” As she spoke she drew a big red circle around a small box towards the bottom of the map. “...is this hut. So, that’s where we are now.”
    The box was miniscule compared to the sheer scale of the map. It gave them some idea of how big the set up here really was.
    “Of course,” Lucy continued. “This map doesn’t show any of the most secret labs and a huge portion of the underground base is missing. That’s because this one is for the security

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