Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project)

Free Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project) by Arlin Fehr

Book: Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project) by Arlin Fehr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arlin Fehr
to his niece. Plans climbed to the forefront of his mind, only to be tackled back by flaws and doubts.
    Ahaki drew him out of his thoughts. ‘Azra, isn’t this next to Jarridon?’ she asked.
    Azra looked over the map Ahaki had flipped to. It was a detailed map of the Bazra Desert. On it, Azra recognized various landscapes that had been there since before Jarridon. Near where Jarridon would have been – had the map been a few thousand yehvs more recent – was marked an image of a cave with a dotted lined towards the fortress. Several other caves were scattered on the map, but this one in particular was close to areas Azra knew.
    ‘You’re right. I know that rock outcrop. It’s a half day’s travel to the north of Jarridon. John and I have been there once before. If that’s right, then we could have a back door into the fortress.’
    ‘Unless the Sorcerer is expecting this.’
    ‘I can’t see why he would be, but even if he does, I still have a plan.’
    ‘So you aren’t going to meet with him?’
    ‘No, no, that’s still part of the plan, it’s just now I’m banking on him holding me captive.’
    ‘That doesn’t seem wise, if whatever you are planning doesn’t work, your brother-in-law will attack the fortress as you said, and may well lose the war because of it.’
    ‘That shouldn’t upset the council much. They’ll be out two thorns,’ Azra said with a forced grin.
    ‘The Kingdom of Minna is not a thorn’ Ahaki said sternly.
    ‘It is so long as I am a Baron in it, and it is the largest Kingdom on Anita, it is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have preparations to make.’
    ‘You’re not going to meet with the council?’
    ‘Not anymore. But I would ask that you continue your investigations of how the sorcerer got here in the first place.’
    ‘I don’t want you doing this. It’s too dangerous.’
    Azra exhaled in frustration. ‘I know you don’t, but this is my choice, and my plan. I will do what I must to free Kia, and to find out what this fiend wants from me. There is more here than meets the eye, and we are practically blind as it is. Do what you can and I won’t ask any more of you.’
    ‘Fine. May Heaven shine on you.’
    ‘Thank you. And one last thing... I might recommend confirming Kont’s story with other people who had been serving on the Hyper-Wormhole-Cannon while he was.’

Snake in the Sand
    ‘We commonly distrust those things that hurt and kill without a care...’
    -Azra, teaching his apprentice, Jahnyz
    A zra stood with his head wrapped in cloth head coverings, with only a slit showing his eyes. The soldiers he had brought with him had similar coverings and stood all around the opening to the cave, looking in. The sun was just rising over the eastern desert. They had just arrived here in the morning, after marching all night.
    ‘This cave leads right to a tunnel system constructed by the Zhakim many yehvs ago. It was originally used to connect their main fortress on this continent – which is now the Raider’s lair – to all their secondary out posts in the area. It is as vast as it is unnavigable. Unless, of course, you have the map, which I happen to have,’ Azra told his troops.
    ‘My plan is to allow myself to be captured by Shakla and slip a map to Kia so she can escape through the tunnels and out this cave. You men need to be ready and waiting to help me fight off any pursuers, and to hold this cave mouth at all costs.’
    ‘What if the tunnels have caved in sire?’ John asked thoughtfully.
    ‘The tunnel is open. I searched most of the way Mahgically on our way here. I could not go too close to the fortress, but the large tract of the tunnel I was able to scout is still open. Now, I want you men to camp above the opening, in among the rocks of this outcropping. It will shield you from prying eyes, and allow you to see anyone coming out of the tunnel before they see you. Also, remember to do whatever you

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