Deceptive Desires

Free Deceptive Desires by Lilly LaRue

Book: Deceptive Desires by Lilly LaRue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilly LaRue
can I do for you, darling, to show you how grateful I am for your love and the children you’ve given me?”
    Blinking away tears at his passionate words, she said, “Just keep loving me as much as I love you.”
    “Always, Molly.”
    She knew he meant it. Her trust in Aronne was rock-solid. He’d earned every bit of it, a thousand times over. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he’d be her partner, lover, and husband for the rest of their lives together. She said a silent thanks to their parents, having long ago forgiven the way they’d forced them to marry, once she’d realized they had done them a favor. She needed Aronne, as much as he needed her.
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Lilly LaRue lives near Victoria, British Columbia. She enjoys fishing, cruising, and whale watching. If she isn’t in the beach house her partner built with his own hands, you’ll find her on the water. She has a seafaring Newfoundland, named Newton, who loves the water almost as much as Lilly.
    Keep reading for a sample of LOVERS AND LIARS:
    Happily Ever After Romances reserves all rights granted by the author. No part of this book may be copied or shared without written permission from the publisher. All characters are creations of the author, and resemblances to any real person are coincidental.
    Copyright 2011, Lilly LaRue
    Cooper catches Bari's eye from the time she comes to work at his company. She doesn't care that he's the boss, or the owner, or in a wheelchair. Acting on their mutual attraction leads to an affair, but it comes to a screeching halt when she is accused of trying to steal the technology Cooper has spent years developing. Someone is framing her, but if Cooper won't believe her, it will be the end of their romance.
    Lovers and Liars
    “ Ms. McKenna, Mr. Fielding is ready for you,” Kady, the receptionist with the perfectly styled hair, said with a professional smile. Bari clutched her portfolio and entered the offices of Cooper Fielding, computer whiz and billionaire.
    It was a large suite, with plush gray carpeting, and comfortable wing chairs in a cheerful shade of lime green. The desk was obviously an antique. It was solidly built from dark oak, and large enough for two people. He kept a minimum of clutter on the desktop—only a large desk calendar, his name plate, and two wire baskets, one labeled “In”, the other “Out”.
    He was seated behind the massive oak desk, and Bari was surprised by his attractiveness. From her research, she knew Mr. Fielding was twenty-nine years old, owner of Hyperion Computers, and generally considered a genius. She hadn’t known he had sandy blonde hair, carelessly styled, and rich hazel eyes that focused on her intently. She hadn’t expected his face to be so finely honed, or his lips to be so perfectly sculpted. He was a very private man, allowing no photos to be published. Bari had tried to picture him in her head, but he always looked staid and almost geeky. Definitely nothing like the real thing.
    “ Ms. McKenna?” he inquired with a warm smile. “Please have a seat.”
    Bari took the seat across from him, struggling to act relaxed. She’d taken a course in interview presentation, and had been through enough mock interviews that she should have felt comfortable. She knew she presented a cool, efficient picture, with her rich brown hair pinned up in a French roll. Her tilted, almond-shaped eyes, as green as emeralds, projected intelligence. Her generous mouth was composed into a small smile, showing just a hint of friendliness without being overly familiar. Her features—arched brows, sharp cheekbones, and slightly too-large nose—were distinctive, bold, an interesting contrast. More suited to a man maybe, but softened by her hair and delicate heart shaped

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