Jordan's Return

Free Jordan's Return by Samantha Chase

Book: Jordan's Return by Samantha Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Chase
just being nice to her boys because he felt sorry for them. Nothing more to it. This was all going to go nowhere.
    So he caressed her face in the middle of the street. No big deal. He was simply treating her like an old friend. Although Jordan couldn’t remember the last time she’d caressed the face of an old friend, it still didn’t mean anything, did it? It’s all no big deal , she reminded herself.
    Nope. Not a big deal at all.
    Rob came back to the table and took his seat opposite Jordan again. One look at those big brown eyes of his and Jordan realized what the big deal was: she wanted him to caress her again. Here. Now. All over.
    Now there was an image to get people talking— Out-of-Towner Naked in Local Restaurant . With her children present! Jordan grabbed her water and took a quick drink.
    Taking a deep breath, she started a conversation about the restaurant business that kept them going until their food arrived and the kids were seated at the table with them. It was a safe topic and it kept her mind off her wayward, sexually charged thoughts. Whenever she found her mind wandering to places it shouldn’t, she’d force herself to ask a question about keeping inventory.
    Rob had ordered them two pizzas—one with extra cheese, the other with everything on it. The boys dug right in and raved about how great it was, especially after learning that Rob owned the place. Jordan found herself relaxing deeply, enjoying her meal and the company. She could not even remember the last time they had sat down to dinner with a man. Eric had been gone for a long time, and if she was honest with herself, Jordan would have to admit she missed the simple things of family life, like sitting around the dinner table together.
    Jordan couldn’t believe how animated her boys were being. It had been so long since they had socialized with anyone other than her family, and yet here they were, chatting with Rob as if they’d known him their entire lives.
    Each boy took a turn telling Rob about school and what his favorite subjects were. Rob patiently listened to all the details of their video game collection and which games they had mastered. Jordan couldn’t help but mentally note how good Rob was with her kids—he would make a great father someday. Maybe not to her kids, but to kids of his own. He deserved that.
    It was still early when they finished dinner and Jake asked if they could go to the video store to rent a movie.
    â€œDidn’t we already see a movie today?” Jordan asked her younger son.
    â€œYes, ma’am,” he said pitifully, playing with the pizza crust left on his plate.
    Feeling like the wicked witch yet again, Jordan conceded. They were on vacation. Why were her first reactions to squash any fun the boys wanted to have? Too regimented, that was her problem. Way too regimented. “Where’s the local video store?” she asked Rob wearily.
    They were rising to leave when an attractive blond walked over to their table. “Hey, Rob!” she said cheerily as she wrapped her arms around him and placed a kiss on his cheek.
    â€œHey, Kelly. Kelly, this is Jordan Manning.” He motioned toward Jordan, and Kelly reached out to shake her hand. “And these are her sons, Joseph and Jake.”
    â€œHi, boys!” Each boy smiled and greeted her politely. “I see you had some pizza tonight. Did Rob let you toss the dough?”
    The boys looked at her with wide eyes. “Do you really let people do that, Rob?” Joe asked.
    â€œSure do. I just thought you were having fun with the video games so I didn’t want to disturb you. But I promise the next time we come here, the shape of our pizza is completely up to you.” He grinned broadly as both boys gasped with certain glee. He could tell they were already planning their next visit.
    Kelly turned her attention back to Rob. “So, are we still on for this weekend? I can pick

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