Restless Hearts

Free Restless Hearts by Mona Ingram

Book: Restless Hearts by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Ingram
Sarah’s mother, but she’d found herself turning to the older woman to discuss her feelings for Jamie, and her nervousness at striking out on her own.
    Jamie watched the two women. Part of him wished that Sarah was more reliant on him, but he knew that a successful business would be good for her. He’d originally thought that she might try to make a living utilizing her medical skills, but baking was something she excelled at. Knowing her, she’d be treating her customers for less serious injuries while she fed them. He wanted to help her, but he hadn’t thought of a way. At least not yet. Things would no doubt change when they sailed through the Golden Gate.
    * * *
    “ That’s the Golden Gate?” Sarah couldn’t keep the disappointment out of her voice. They had stood off for two days due to heavy fog, but this morning’s breeze blew the fog away, revealing the shoreline basking in the warm September sun. The pilot had boarded, and then guided them between the high cliff and some unremarkable, rocky islands. “I thought it would be something majestic.”
    Lucy and Jamie said nothing. They were too busy trying to take it all in.
    Once inside the bay, Sarah’s disappointment turned to awe. Rolling hills rose up from the sheltered bay, dotted with structures of various types and sizes. But it was the ships in the harbor that drew and held her attention. She turned as Levi came out on deck, and she made space for him in their small group.
    “So many ships,” she said, gazing out over the forest of masts. “I had no idea. Is this normal?”
    Levi shrugged. “Captain says most of ‘em are deserted. The crews go ashore, get the fever, and run off to the gold fields. Captains can’t find anyone to sail them back.”
    “And so they just sit here. It must be a real problem.”
    Levi shook his head. “It will probably get worse in the months to come.”
    Sarah looked up into the rigging, where many of the crew had climbed to get a better view. “Will Captain Johnson have that problem?”
    “I don’t know, but he has a good reputation. A few of the crew are bound to run off, but he’ll be able to replace them, I’m quite sure.”
    “I hope so.” Sarah turned to Jamie and Lucy. “What happens next? How do we get to shore?”
    “Charlie is sending a boat for us.” Lucy glanced toward the forward deck, where several large crates already sat waiting. “Those crates contain my household supplies. I hope he remembers that I don’t travel light, and sends a large enough boat.” She turned to Jamie. “What about your minting machine? You’ll need a special winch for that, I suspect.”
    He appeared surprised at her knowledge. “Yes. I’m going to go ashore first and make sure there’s a spot prepared for it. Once it’s set in place, I’d rather not move it.”
    “Then by all means, come ashore with us.” She lowered her voice and spoke to Sarah. “What about Anna and Melissa? Has she made arrangements?”
    “She seems to think that her husband will be here waiting for her.” She smiled, recalling Anna’s growing excitement as they neared their destination, and her disappointment at being delayed by the fog.
    Lucy spoke forcefully. “He’d better hurry up. It looks to me as though she could have that baby any day now.” She turned to Sarah. “Wouldn’t you say?”
    “She looks ready to me, but she seems to think it will be another few weeks.”
    “I suppose time will tell. You said her husband’s a miner?”
    Sarah nodded. “That’s what she said.”
    Lucy gave a soft little snort of derision. “These young people,” she said. “Blinded by dreams of riches, and yet I’d wager most of them are barely scraping by. Oh, look. Her face lit up and she suddenly looked ten years younger. “There’s my Charlie, in that boat.” She waved gaily.
    The man in the boat was as tall and lean as Lucy was short and round. He looked up at his wife, and even at a distance, Sarah could see the

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