Nina's Dom

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Book: Nina's Dom by Raven McAllan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven McAllan
backpedaling, but this was full steam
ahead with a vengeance. She had a lot of thinking to do. What if those boys hadn't
come along when they did? Grief she'd be rolling in the grass and throwing
caution, and her thong, to the wind. "What for exactly? Losing my sexual virginity, or losing my BDSM with you, virginity?"
    "Losing your inhibitions. I have a fancy to seeing you
      Bloody hell, he does want my boobs out.   "Naked as how?" Nina asked cautiously. "It's not very exciting. No boobs to speak of, no
ass, and straight up and down. As my lovely brother used to
say, five feet four and able to pass for a fence post. No, it doesn't
bother me, as I've had plenty of years to get used to my androgynous figure.
It's me. But I don't want you to be disappointed. A tattoo on one buttock and a
birthmark on a boob don't make up for my lack of curves. But what you see is what
you get."
chuckled. "If I ever get to see. Both intrigue
me. So, let me rephrase that question into an order. I want to see you naked. Today
is Saturday. Tonight we're going to Feliciano's and acting like grown up
civilized, non-kinky people. The only St. Andrew they know is our patron saint,
and BDSM stands for Buy, Deliver, Save, and Multibuy or something." He rolled his eyes. "As if. But hey, each to their own. It takes all sorts, thankfully,
and what's good for us doesn't need to be good for others, eh?"
for sure. And what's good for you might not be good for me."
it might. Which is why, on Friday night we're going to the club. To watch only. Now's your chance to
renege, and safe word out."
appeared on her arms faster than she could think the word red, let alone say it.
Why, when she enjoyed reading about scenes, and had taken part in them, did it
worry her? Nina searched her mind. Idiot. He wants you
there. You're watching, not playing. And for fuck’s sake, you got bored and fed
up, not bared and tied up. Well, not against her will anyway. She'd agreed
to everything, even if she did safe word out of some things.
girl. Shall we continue round the park and feed those poor disgusted looking
ducks? They've been eyeing you up with annoyance ever since we came through the
picked up the bag of crusts and rattled it. Three ducks swam across the lochan toward her as if on a string. "They know
me," she said. "I often jog here, and bring them the crusts. After
all I don't need curly hair."
ducks quacked, and she sniggered. "See? They agree with me." She took
out several stale slices of bread, broke them up and flung the pieces out into
the water. The ducks followed, flapping and quacking and were immediately
challenged by three more.
that one over there?" Nina pointed. "That's the Dom. See the look in
his eyes? It says don't you dare."
roared with laughter. "So who's the sub?"
the one four feet strokes behind, definitely. Bless her, she's definitely under his beak." Nina shredded another piece of bread and
threw it accurately to within an inch of the sub-duck's beak. The duck twisted
her head to where the drake was, briefly before she gobbled it up.
Nic said. "Her Dom will need to ruffle her feathers, for being a
giggled. Nic in this mood was funny, attractive, and she was attracted. The sun
had given him laughter lines around his eyes, and the scent of his aftershave
danced around her in the light breeze. Nina took a deep breath, inhaled the
essence of Nic, and acted on impulse. She dropped the last few crusts onto the
grass and ignored the feathered scramble and squawks as the ducks jostled to
reach them. Without stopping to analyze why it was so important, she stretched
up on tiptoe and kissed Nic's cheek.
      Nic spun, grabbed her, lifted her off the
ground and held her, cock to clit, boobs to chest before she had time to blink.
His tongue thrust against her mouth, which she opened gladly to allow him
access. With her feet dangling a couple

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