A Wizard of the White Council

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Book: A Wizard of the White Council by Jonathan Moeller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Moeller
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic, dark fantasy, Alternative History
hands trembled. “No, you listen to me. Stop following me. Understand? Stop following me!” The cane felt warm beneath her hands, its surface seeming to vibrate. She scowled, threw the cane to the ground, and stalked away. 
    After a moment she looked over her shoulder.
    No one followed her.


    Allard winced, rubbed his arm, and began picking pieces of bark from his cheek. “Why are the hot ones always psycho?”
    “Allard,” said Regent.
    Allard nodded. “I know, I know. I’m an idiot.”
    Regent smirked. “Smart lad.” He grimaced, hobbled a few steps, and retrieved his cane. 
    “God, she’s fast. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get the drop on you,” said Allard, picking the last piece of bark from his cheek. “At least she didn’t break the cane over your head.” 
    Regent sighed. “She almost did.” 
    “So are we going to stop shadowing her?” said Allard.
    Regent picked some dead leaves from the handle of his cane. “Don’t be absurd. We don’t dare leave her alone, not with the way those changelings are prowling the city. And sooner or later we’re going to have to tell her everything.”
    “And hope we don’t get any bones broken in the process.”
    They returned to the sidewalk, Regent’s cane tapping against the concrete. “Marugon’s looking for her.”
    That stopped Allard in his tracks. “What? How? That’s impossible. You said Marugon thought she was dead.”
    “I might have been mistaken,” said Regent. “Marugon thinks Lithon is dead, I know that much. He must not have known about her when I…when Lithon’s death was faked. But think about it, son. What have we been doing every night for the last two weeks?” 
    Allard shuddered. “Hunting changelings.” 
    “Aye, son. Hunting changelings. And those changelings are looking for someone. I can feel the Voice of the black magic on them, compelling them to search. We’ve seen more winged ones flying overhead at night. And sometimes I can sense Marugon’s power hanging over the city. They’re looking for Ally.”
    “Okay,” said Allard. “Then how does Marugon know about her?”
    “He must have sensed her,” said Regent. “Whatever’s locked away inside her is getting stronger. It probably plays hell with her dreams. No wonder she’s so irritable. My skill with the white magic is feeble, and even I can sense it without even trying. Like letters of white fire written on her brow. Marugon must be able to sense her from five miles away. The changelings and the winged ones are creatures of the black magic. They must be able to sense her as well.”
    “So why hasn’t he found her yet?” 
    Regent snorted and raised a bushy eyebrow. “Give me a little credit, son. It’s because of us. Marugon would have killed her and her entire family months ago if it were not for us.” He rapped his cane against the sidewalk. “But I think things will come to a head soon. Alastarius’s Prophecy is going to come true.”
    “How do you know?” said Allard.
    “Wycliffe’s going to win the election,” said Regent. “We both know it’s going to happen.” The thought made Allard sick, but he could not deny it. “And if we know anything about that scheming soulless black-hearted bastard,” his voice rose in anger, “then he’ll be president in short order. William Jones is either a fool or a patsy. Or both. And Alastarius Prophesied that Lithon would bring him back. Something has to happen soon. Maybe Ally has something to do with it. But I’ll tell you one thing, son. My old bones know a storm’s coming. I’ve lived through quite a few of them in my life, and I know something’s going to happen soon. We’ve got to be ready.”
    Allard swallowed. “What are we going to do?”
    “Keep following her, of course…at a safer distance.” Allard rubbed his aching arm. “But sooner or later, we’re going to have to tell her the truth about who she is. I don’t think she remembers. Not surprising; I don’t

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