Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)

Free Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) by Suzanne Clark

Book: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) by Suzanne Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Clark
in awe of the sensations that ran through her body. She had never experienced an orgasm before and now knew what she’d been missing all these years. 
    As she held him tightly she reached under his t-shirt but he shook his head. Looking at him in confusion he explained. “You’re so beautiful. I wanted to do this for you. You can reciprocate another night,” he winked, causing her to giggle.
    Even though he desperately wanted her he knew he needed to take things slowly. He brushed the unruly curls from her glowing face, he absolutely adored her hair.
    As she gazed into his eyes her feelings for him overwhelmed her. He was such a gentle, wonderful man who was fiercely loyal to the ones he cared about. She had fallen in love with him. His gaze intensified and she had the sudden feeling he felt the same way about her.
    As Nate continued to stare at Deanna, wonder shining from his eyes, he saw the instant her expression changed and he understood what she was feeling. It was exactly how he felt. He was so in love with her, he had been for a while, but he ’d worried he’d frighten her away if he said anything.
    Neither of them said the words that night but they both now understood just what they ’d come to mean to each other.

    It was now spring, the days had passed quickly from when they ’d first arrived in February and the future seemed full of warmth and promise.
    Deanna had a great time working at the garage, Nate regularly popping into the office - it was like he couldn ’t get enough of her. She worked at the garage most weekdays whilst Megan looked after Holly. At the weekends she spent time with Holly, occasionally Nate would join them as they went to the local park or shopping.
    Most nights it was just Deanna, Nate and Holly – they’d become inseparable. They snuggled together watching TV until Holly fell asleep, then Deanna and Nate got their own playtime. She had indeed reciprocated and he had enjoyed every minute of it.
    She had been shocked when she ’d first seen him naked, he was massive everywhere and she was slightly apprehensive about his size. They still hadn’t had full sex because she was nervous, remembering Lee’s taunts and insults. Deanna confided to Nate that she hadn’t had intercourse since Holly's difficult birth. She didn’t know much when it came to intimacy but this didn’t bother Nate, who couldn’t hide his enjoyment and anticipation of teaching her all his tricks.
    Deanna had fun exploring his thickly muscled body and admiring his tattoos. She had discovered that it was actually just one tribal design that covered the top of his back, over his shoulders and bottom of the neck and down both arms to his wrists. He was thinking of getting more work done on his chest but hadn ’t decided. Her fascination with his tattoos had led her to consider getting one herself. His simple response when she had asked what he thought of her getting a tattoo had been “It’d be sexy as hell”.
    The intimate connection between the pair grew stronger and every night they fell asleep entwined together, making her feel safe and protected in his gigantic arms.
    They’d finally met the new addition to Bruce’s family when he popped round to show off his newborn daughter. This prompted a group celebration, which led to a memorable night.
    Nate promised Deanna that he knew the perfect babysitter for Holly and when Deanna questioned him he had been reluctant to say more.
    “This weekend. How do you fancy meeting my ma?” he had asked.
    Deanna had been hesitant, not quite knowing how to respond. She really wanted to meet his mum but was worried about what she would think of her. She had spoken to Ethan several times since the self-defence class and when he phoned the garage they got on really well.
    She’d spoken only once to Nate’s mother, who had politely enquired if she and Holly were settling in and if she was enjoying her new job.
    Deanna agreed to meet Nate ’s mum saying

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