Off the Grid

Free Off the Grid by Karyn Good

Book: Off the Grid by Karyn Good Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Good
Tags: Action-Suspense,Suspense
Marnie gave a little tug but he still didn’t let go of the cigarettes.
    “I won’t make assumptions about you and your lifestyle if you agree to do the same for me.”
    Never one to give an inch Marnie surprised her and offered up a slight nod. Caleb let go. He reached into another bag and pulled out a bottle of wine. This time his smile spelled his intentions out in a soft lift of his lips. As in later, over a glass, we’ll get to know each other much, much better. “For you.”
    “Thank you.” She put the very expensive bottle of Bordeaux he obviously hadn’t purchased at a fuel stop to the side, wished she could pour a glass and disappear into her bedroom. Close the door, climb into bed with Caleb, and unwrap him from head to toe. Not her usual response to stress and it freaked her out. “Did your family let you off early?”
    Caleb checked his watch. “I hope it’s not too late to stop by. I wanted to see how everyone was doing. How’s Kellie?”
    “Hopefully sleeping.” There was probably more accusation in those two words then was wise because Caleb raised his eyebrows. Sophie rubbed her aching forehead. “She’s doing great. Everything is great.”
    “Well, this has been nice but I’m out of here.” Marnie stuffed her carton of cigarettes back into a bag.
    “Wait, where are you going?” Sophie moved to intercept her.
    “Like I said, out.” Marnie headed for the door and grabbed up the old jacket Sophie had dug up for her. Stuffed her feet into likewise donated boots.
    “I don’t think leaving is a good idea.” The last thing she wanted was her agitated, mentally ill sister wandering around in below-freezing temperatures alone.
    “It is if I say it is.” Marnie grabbed for the doorknob and opened the door.
    Sophie pushed past Caleb. “Hold on a—”
    “No, you hold on.” Marnie pulled out a wool cap and jammed it on her head.
    “Ladies,” Caleb interrupted.
    Marnie flipped up her middle finger. “Stay out of this.”
    Sophie was one second away from having had enough. “Lower your voice. You’re going to wake everyone up.”
    “Like I said, outta here.” The door banged half shut behind her. It flapped open again on a gust of wind when the latch didn’t catch.
    “Is everything okay?” Kellie crept into the kitchen, eyes wide and scared.
    “Nothing to worry about. Marnie’s having a moment.” Sophie crossed over and gave her a quick hug while Caleb went to deal with the door.
    “Oh. All right.” She gave Caleb a nervous look before gesturing behind her. “I should get back.”
    Caleb pulled a beautifully wrapped present from another bag. “Why don’t you join us for a minute?” He held it out to her. “For you. It’s not much but I hope you like it.”
    Kellie hesitated, the promise of a present too tempting to resist. After a glance back, she shuffled across the floor. She slipped into the chair held out by Caleb and kept her head down. “Thank you.”
    After a wistful glance at the bottle of wine, Sophie took her cue from Caleb. “I’ll get some cups. We’ll have tea.”
    Caleb set the present down in front of Kellie. She fingered the bow, the pretty wrapping. He nudged it closer. “Go ahead, open it.”
    Kellie picked at the tape until the paper floated away from the boutique box. She lifted the lid off and pulled out a bright green baby’s quilt. She gathered it up in her hands and held it to her face, closed her eyes. “It’s so soft. And beautiful. He’ll love it.”
    Sophie had no idea how he’d managed it and Kellie didn’t think to question him. In fact, her grin suggested he’d moved up even further in her ranking of best guy ever.
    Sophie studied Caleb, trying her hardest to ignore the ridiculous flutter in her stomach, fearful it was going to get worse. “Wait until you hear the news. We have a name.”
    Kellie blushed. “Quinn Monroe Andrews.”
    He picked up Kellie’s hand and lifted her knuckles to his lips. “I’m honored to share a

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