The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
front of the hearth and settled down to sleep, but it was nigh impossible. So much had happened in the past few days. Since meeting Cameron in the alehouse, the evil in her world had unraveled at an extraordinarily rapid pace. Such rare good fortune was astounding.
    And Cameron.
    How could she not think of the man?
    Gradually, her eyes grew heavy as she again and again relived the memory of his chiseled lips upon hers. But her last conscience thought, before she fell into a deep slumber, was the one hoping he had eaten all of the meat pie and the hare stew. It was decadent to waste such fine food.
    It seemed like only a moment had passed before she heard the cocks crowing.
    Rubbing her eyes, Kate rose, shook out her plaid, and fanned the coals of the fire into life. As the flames licked the peat, she set the small room in order, humming a little tune and surveying her father’s sleeping figure with satisfaction.
    He was much stronger. Perhaps even his eyes would heal!
    If she could only travel to the Pilgrim’s Well at St. Fillans, she had heard in the almshouse that the water was healing to the eyes. She sighed. It was not far, only in Dunfermline, but it might as well be in France. She could not think of how to get there.
    Her father’s voice startled her. “I can tend myself, lass. Be off with ye, afore ye try the Chamberlain’s wrath!”
    “Ach, but I haven’t made your gruel yet, and—” Kate protested.
    “I’m blind, my wee bairn, not helpless! And I’ve gained such strength these past two days!” He demonstrated by swinging his thin legs over the edge of the straw pallet. “Hie off with ye, now!”
    Grinning widely, Kate kissed him a farewell before slipping into the main cottage room where Maura rose sleepily from her bed.
    “Ye canna wear that tattered dress!” The woman swept her with a critical eye. “Not at Stirling Castle!”
    “’ Tis all I have,” Kate replied, drawing back but raising her chin stubbornly. “The Chamberlain said naught of it!”
    Growling, Maura opened the wooden chest next to her bed and searched a moment before drawing out a suitable brown dress. Tossing it at Kate, she snapped, “Ye can pay me next week. I’ll not have my reputation ruined by the likes of ye! I canna let myself be seen in the company of a ragamuffin!”
    Not knowing whether to be grateful or insulted, Kate quickly slipped into the dress as Maura made ready. Neither spoke as they left the cottage a short time later, hurrying through the dark streets to the castle high above them.
    The sun had just painted the sky a faint pink when Kate stepped into Castle Stirling’s Great Hall, her heart beating wildly with excitement. Looking around in awe, she spied a cluster of women huddled in front of a wide fireplace and hurrying to join them, gave a cheerful greeting, “And a braw day to ye all!”
    The women eyed her, curious.
    Several smiled.
    One timidly replied, “And the same to ye, lass.”
    “Are ye waiting for the Chamberlain as well?” Kate asked, drawing her plaid closer about her shoulders and eyeing the Great Hall with wonder.
    It was mostly dark, but what she could see was beyond magnificent. The kings’ high table stood on a dais, rising high above the other tables lining the length of the chamber. Neat rows of ornate, carved chairs with velvet cushions lined the walls bedecked with fine tapestries of unicorns. Suits of armor graced each entrance, casting ominous shadows in the flickering firelight.
    As Kate surveyed the place in awe, she found her gaze drawn to several dark forms huddled on the floor. Squinting, she peered closer. Apparently, some of the servants had fallen asleep there the night before. She frowned, wondering why they had not yet risen.
    “They’ll pay for their folly,” someone murmured, noting the direction of her scrutiny.
    Kate pursed her lips. “Can we not wake them?” she asked. “’Tis an act of kindness.”
    The women eyed her suspiciously.
    After a tense

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