Blue Autumn in the Bayou (Gumbo Love)

Free Blue Autumn in the Bayou (Gumbo Love) by Ann Clay

Book: Blue Autumn in the Bayou (Gumbo Love) by Ann Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Clay
her grandmother’s arms and firmly squeezed her hands. “I’m here now and I’m so happy to be here with you. I love you very much , too.”
    Mer Drace touched the side of her face. “My sweet Autumn, unlike your old Maw maw, I see good things for you.” She smiled up at Autumn.
    “I sure hope so. We have a few days to catch you up on everything going on.”
    “Child, I already know what’s going on.” She turned and headed back into the house. “But you go right on ahead and tell me all you want. Come on, I got your favorite in the warmer waiting on you. Maybe you can tell me about your young man.”
    Autumn frowned as she followed her grandmother through the door. “What young man?” Her heart skipped several beats. Heat rose up her face and the muscles in her neck suddenly thickened , cutting off vital air supply. Autumn’s eyes remained focused on Mer Drace’s back. The old lady didn’t slow her pace or look back at her.

    Realization dawned on Autumn. This was Mer Drace, the one person she couldn’t hide what was really in her heart. What now? A million things crashed in her head. She didn’t stop until she walked in to the kitchen. The savory crawfish etouffee competed with Autumn’s other senses, and somehow fell short of its usually tempting excitement. She watched her grandmother pull down one of the floral bowls she’d had for as long as Autumn could remember.
    “I just finished icing the cake, so you’re going to have to wait until it hardens before we cut it.” Mer Drace broke into her reverie.
    “Excuse me.” Autumn frowned even harder. She gazed over at her Mer Drace; as lines dressed her forehead like pleats.
    Mer Drace ignored the panic she saw in Autumn’s face. She could hear her granddaughter’s heartbeat in her ears. How, she could never explain. Not even she understood the connection between them, but somehow, on the day this little girl was born weighing only two pounds with lungs barely developed, she bonded with her as if they were one and the same.
    Autumn fidgeted and stared blankly out the window after Mer Drace asked about the young man she saw Autumn with in her dream. No one knew or understood how Mer Drace was able to see things. Autumn believed she knew things about people’s secrets, and those who wanted to guard their secrets, stayed clear of her.
    “My sweet child, you have to discover on your own, how to resolve your fears. And if you don’t, you’re going to miss out on the tremendous blessings God has set for your path, for your own good.” Mer Drace knew that Autumn’s fragility made it hard to trust anyone enough to let them see who she was. A sweet and passionate woman like her deserved to experience love unconditionally. Still, no one, not even she could make peace with Autumn’s fears.
    * * * *
    “Mr. Brooks, Mr. Euclid is here for your two o’clock appointment.” Meagan’s voice ran crisp from the intercom.
    Travis turned away from the open pane he’d been staring out of for almost a half hour. “Thanks, Me agan. Take him to the boardroom and make him comfortable until I get there.” Travis walked back to the window and looked down at the crowd moving below his corner office. He closed his eyes briefly and took a calming breath. Curiosity got the best him, so he finally broke down the night before and asked Reggie about Autumn. After three days and no word from her, his worry turned to anger. He refused to play games with her. He needed another headache like he needed another hole in his head. So be it. He planned to do his part. He promised Trae to be on his best behavior for his wedding and that’s exactly what he’d planned to do.
    He pushed his way through the large oak doors of the boardroom and stuck out his hand. “Mr. Euclid, good afternoon, sir. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
    “No problem and please call me Jacob.”
    “Al l right, Jacob. Let’s get down to business.”
    Travis, like

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