Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series)

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Book: Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series) by Gemma K. Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gemma K. Murray
Tags: paranormal romance
I knew my uncle, the pride would be on the prowl as well. It changed my mind about stopping into Full Moon Sweets.
    Ana Golden was walking out of the candy shop as I reached the door. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Deputy Thomas. What ever would you be here for?”
    I smiled. I loved this little puma. She was like a little sister to me. “Good morning, Ana,” I said, tipping my hat to her. “Your husband didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to go with him on his investigation this morning so I thought I’d take a walk through town to see how the citizens of Cedar River are doing today.”
    Ana raised an eyebrow, “Bowie out on pack lands today?”
    Uh-oh, I thought. “He didn’t tell you, did he?”
    Ana smiled, “No, but I’m assuming he took along some back-up.”
    “Yeah, the twins went with him. If you want to stop by the station later, we can set up a plan for tonight.”
    “Bring the chocolate, Adam. Luna’s got some fantastic dark chocolate cherry whips today.”
    I smiled, “Really? Maybe I can beg some from her.”
    Ana cocked her eyebrow at me and smiled.
    I laid my hand on Ana’s  slightly rounded stomach. “How is Junior today?”
    “ She’s craving chocolate like crazy.”
    “I don’t know, Annie. Bowie swears it’s a boy.”
    “Yeah, well, Bowie isn’t carrying this little demon around. I say it’s a girl.”
    I kissed her cheek. “You’d better go put your feet up or Bowie isn’t going to let you go hunting with me tonight.”
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Ana said as she walked away with a wave.
    The delicious chocolate smell washed over me as I entered. The decadent scent of Luna was underlying, and it was that scent that made my mouth water.
    Luna was behind the counter, helping Mr. Fisher with a box of chocolate. “I’ll be with you in moment,” she said without looking to the door.
    I wandered around the shop, taking in the new window display that she had put up. All sorts of delicious goodies were showcased.
    “I need a bag of those roasted mixed nuts, too, sweetie,” Mr. Fisher said.
    Did he really just say “sweetie”? Mr. Fisher lives in the woods between the pack and pride lands. He can be decent when he’s in the mood, but for the most part he’s one of the grumpiest men a person will ever come across.
    “Sure thing, Mr. Fisher. I roasted them fresh this morning. Would you like the salted or unsalted variety?” Luna asked.
    “I think I’d prefer the unsalted. Doc Goodman will have a fit if my blood pressure goes up another point.”
    I smiled as I thought about quiet Doc Goodman ripping into ornery Murray Fisher. A laugh escaped me and Mr. Fisher heard it.
    “What are you laughing about, Puma? You think being elderly and in poor health is funny?”
    “No, sir. I’ve known you since I came to Cedar River. I can’t imagine you being elderly or in poor health. I was laughing at the thought of Doc Goodman daring to get after you about anything.”
    “Yeah, well, that young pup can get away with a little more than most.”
    I smiled. Only Murray Fisher would think of the wolf-shifter doctor as a young pup. When I looked at Luna, her yellow eyes were alight with laughter.
    She set the packages up on the counter. “Can I get you anything else, honey?”
    Mr. Fisher turned a slight pink color. “No, Miss Luna, I think that is about it.” He fumbled with his wallet and pulled out the bills to pay Luna. “My mother used to make honey candy when I was a boy. I don’t suppose you might be persuaded to attempt that, would you?”
    Luna smiled broadly. “I happen to have a recipe for honey candy that was my grandmother’s. I wonder how similar it is to your mother’s.”
    “It may be one and the same. I just really miss that candy.”
    “I’ll pull out the recipe book and see if I can make a batch for you. I think it’s called ‘Uri’s Honey Candy’.”
    Old Man Fisher’s brown eyes teared up a bit. “That was my mother’s name,

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