Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series)

Free Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series) by Gemma K. Murray

Book: Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series) by Gemma K. Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gemma K. Murray
Tags: paranormal romance
understood the necessity, and I think, Luna got it, she just didn’t like it very much.
    “Are you really okay?” she would ask when I called her every night.
    “I’m fine, honey,” I reassured her.
    “I miss you,” she said.
    “I miss you, too, baby. We’ll go out this weekend okay?”
    “I have to make candy for a big wedding next weekend. I’ll see what I can do though. I need to be with you, Adam.”
    “Let’s see what we can do.”
    When I showed up to work Friday morning, Bowie was waiting for me when I arrived. “I’ve got an idea,” he said.
    Let me just say, when Bowie starts off my day with the phrase, “I’ve got an idea,” I can be sure nothing good is about to happen. Bowie has gotten me into more than my share of trouble with that particular phrase. Of course, the fact that I would follow him into the fires of hell is most of the problem.
    “I’ll bite. What’s the brilliant idea you have?” I asked.
    Bowie laughed, “I never said it was brilliant. I just said it was an idea.”
    It was my turn to laugh.
    “I’m thinking we need to get on certain properties with a minimum of resistance. I can’t shift and walk onto anyone’s land because, well, let’s face it, a dragon is not inconspicuous. A black puma on the other hand can blend into the shadows.”
    The investigation into who took a shot at Luna and me wasn’t going anywhere. Bowie was upping the ante.
    This was sounding like a big plan, but not a good outcome. “Gee whiz, Bo, wherever will we find a black puma?” I asked sarcastically. “What are you thinking? A black puma in broad daylight? There are no other black pumas around here. Are you trying to get me killed?”
    Bowie smiled, “I’m thinking more of a nighttime investigation.” He used that annoying air quotes gesture around “investigation”.
    “So, I’m just supposed to shift and stroll onto pack lands?”
    Bowie grimaced, “That’s the snag I’ve hit. I don’t suppose Luna would want to help?”
    Immediately, my alert went up. “You will not ask Luna to help! I won’t have her in danger for an investigation.”
    Bowie ran his hands through his hair, “I was afraid you’d say that. Ana is going onto puma land with you. I don’t want you out there alone. I think I’m going to hit pack lands today. Maybe Rock will be cooperative.”
    I snorted as I grabbed my hat.
    “You’re not going, Adam. I can’t take the chance. Rock and the McIntyre pack despise you. I won’t put you or myself in danger that way. I want you to stay here and keep an eye on the town for me. I’ve got Colin and Callum going out to the McIntyres with me. It will just be safer that way.”
    I hated to let Bowie go without my back-up, but he did have a really good point. My presence would only make matters worse. I nodded, “Stay in touch with me then. I want to know what you know as soon as you know it.”
    Bowie slapped me on the back, “You will. I’ll be sending any pictures to Ana and you. This way there won’t be an ‘accident’.”
    Knowing how things disappeared easily when you were on pack or pride lands, I said, “I’ll be waiting for them.”
    After Bowie and his brothers left, I had nothing to do except roam around the town. I stopped into see Pete at The Lighthouse before moving onto Samson’s diner where he was waiting with a cup of coffee, a fresh doughnut, and a little town gossip.
    I was determined to avoid Full Moon Sweets this morning. I stopped to chat with Doc Goodman at Smith’s Apothecary. Doc was a wolf-shifter from the MacIntosh pack. They stayed neutral on things between the McIntyre pack and the Pierce pride.
    “Rumor has it Luna McIntyre took her daddy down a peg while back,” Doc said.
    “Well, they had words, Doc. I won’t say anything more about it,” I replied.
    “I’m hearing rumors, Adam. Just watch your back,” he said before walking away.
    Doc confirmed my suspicions. Rock and his pack were looking for revenge. Of course, if

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