SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

Free SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton

Book: SEIZED Part 4: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
interested in asking you, son. The way it stands now you’re going to need to take some time off work pending an investigation on your involvement in the Lee case.”
    I know why, it’s obvious and I also know there are rules for her to follow in these situations. I make it easy for her this time.
    “Sure Lieutenant. I understand. Thanks for letting me know.”
    “You’re going to need to come down to the precinct today for an interview. What time can I expect you?”
    We agree on four in the afternoon, and although the writing’s been on the wall for some time, I still feel a little sick.
                  “Don’t forget your gun and badge, Detective. And see staffing admin on your way out. They will need your work cell phone and all access keys until this is resolved.”
    I agree and she hangs up. It’s strange to have an unexpected day off. It’s even stranger to consider what life will be like without being on the force. She didn’t say it directly, but I know that my involvement with Carrie was frowned upon from the start.
    The brass must have finally had enough. There’s only so much a cop can do before being called out as insubordinate. I’ve been walking that line too closely. I feel ill. I don’t want to lose this job. I love being a cop. I love Carrie too, and the thought of what she’ll say about this makes me feel worse.
    It’s not like I can let her know too much or even ask her for advice on how to play it. I have no idea what she’d say. What she really thinks about me or what Cooper has told her either. When it comes to Carrie James right now, I’m flailing around in the dark.
    I need to pull myself out of this place. In a few hours, I’ll find out what’s happening with work. Until then, there’s nothing I can do, except try and make the most of an unexpected day off. I wonder what George is up to, other than filling up with cereal and chatting to Brenda so loudly, I can hear him through the ceiling and the floor below my bed.
    I squashing the anxiety about what’s going to happen later, and head downstairs for coffee.
    “Morning dude,” I greet him.
    “Morning, Uncle Blake…” He chants up at me.
    “What’re you up to later, buddy?”
    “I’m building a volcano,” he says proudly. “It’s for my school science project, and it’s actually going to explode!”
    His excitement is contagious. I remember doing something similar myself. I don’t want to muscle in on his project, so I offer to help if he needs me too.
    “Yeah, come on!” He grabs my hand in his. It warms my heart. I decide there’s nothing better I’d rather be doing on a forced day off. I dedicate myself to the impromptu lesson he’s teaching. The little guy is super proud of himself. He can’t wait to show me what he knows about chemical reactions. It’s the cutest thing, watching him push out his proud little chest.
    We set up the eruption station as Brenda makes jam. With summer ending, she’s decided to go all traditional. The house fills with the smell of berries. She’s cooking in a massive saucepan, stirring every now and then.
    “That looks like a witch’s cauldron, you know,” George points out.
    “Ha ha. Very funny, you won’t be talking about witches when I’m hoarding the best jam for myself, will you?”
    My sister has an infamous sweet tooth. We both do, but she’s more disciplined than I am in keeping it in check.
    This jam-making mission is part service for the school fair and part personal supply. She likes to contribute to George’s school community in any way she can. I just like the jam. I always sneak a couple of jars for my desk drawer at work. It’s the perfect late night pick me up when I’m on shift. Not that I’ll be on shift for much longer. It seemed pretty clear that I’m being suspended. Why else would she have told me to bring in my gun and badge? The thought of surrendering makes me itch with discomfort. Being a cop is my passion; it’s a huge part

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