Only for a Night (Lick)

Free Only for a Night (Lick) by Naima Simone

Book: Only for a Night (Lick) by Naima Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naima Simone
urged. “You touch yourself, don’t you, Harper?”
    That voice—midnight, tangled sheets, sex, and sin. “Yes,” she said, helpless to do anything but answer.
    “Are you gentle or rough? Do you rub or circle your clit until it’s slippery and aching? Do you slide one or two fingers in your pussy? Show me,” he purred. “What do you think about when you touch yourself? What pushes you to the edge?”
    You . She bit her bottom lip to keep from spilling that secret, glancing at Sasha, who silently studied her. But why was she hesitant about admitting she envisioned Rion’s face? After tonight, it wouldn’t matter if he knew. His stipulation granted her a pass to speak her mind without emotional repercussion, because when the morning arrived, she wouldn’t see him again. Keep telling yourself that, sister . Ignoring the sibilant voice, she met his hooded stare. “You,” she confessed. “I think of you.”
    Rion’s mouth firmed, and the skin over his sharp cheekbones seemed to tauten. His eyes… The gray deepened until they almost appeared black with lust and something…wilder. “Then close your eyes and imagine it’s my hands squeezing those gorgeous tits and sucking your nipples. Imagine it’s my fingers you’re coming all over.”
    Heart pounding, she did as he commanded, not asked. Lashes lowering, she cupped a hand over her breast, and hissed at the pleasure that arrowed straight to her clit, as if a conductor connected the nerve endings. She squeezed her flesh, sliding the other hand down her fluttering belly and between her thighs. Dipping a finger between her already damp folds, she moaned, drawing a lazy circle around her clit and pinching a beaded nipple. Twin darts of electric need shocked her, and she flinched under its lash. So good…
    “Yeah, it is,” Rion rumbled. God, had she uttered the thought aloud? “Harder, baby. Tug on those nipples, rub that pussy. Show us what you like. What you want our mouths and fingers to do to you.”
    His instructions enflamed her, emboldened her. Casting aside any lingering shreds of modesty or fear, she rolled the tip, tweaked it, loving that he—no, they —followed every movement. With a groan, she swept another caress over the pulsing bud at the top of her sex before tracing the wet cleft. The smooth, swollen lips parted under her fingers, and she gathered moisture and thrust deep into her pussy. She gasped, her head falling back on her shoulders. Slick walls sucked at her fingers, and she withdrew, stroking inside again. Lost in the dark arms of lust coiling around her, she edged toward orgasm. Another pull on her nipple. Another polishing rub over her clit. Another hard thrust into her pussy. Another…
    A hot, wet mouth closed over the fingers at her nipple while a wide, hard chest pressed to her spine and big, long fingers tangled with hers between her thighs. Oh Jesus . Her lashes fluttered open, and she clasped the dark head to her breast, watching his lush mouth draw on her. She cried out as his tongue lashed the aching peak, curling around it and tugging. Another mouth trailed down the side of her neck and over her shoulder even as her hips writhed and undulated under the tormenting strokes to her clit.
    Even if her eyes were still closed, she would be able to tell the difference between the two men. Rion’s touch had been firm, deliberate, but with a hint of tenderness. Sasha rode his fingertips over the nub in a determined, almost ruthless rhythm that sent bolts of lightning to her clenching sex, lower to her puckered asshole, and zinging back to her clit. He didn’t let up, and she couldn’t help but think even if she screamed and pleaded, he might not. Not until she shattered. Rion had relentlessly eased her into orgasm; Sasha would catapult her there.
    Switching breasts, Rion engulfed her flesh, stabbing the tip of his tongue at the neglected nipple. His fingers plucked and rolled the wet tip, and she bucked under the twin

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