RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage

Free RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine

Book: RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: Magic, vampire, mage
Salzburg, and each family has been directed to include in their party, their best young royal representatives. You will be joining your father. Come with me now, we have begun making preparations to leave since the journey is long and the Council is to meet in just fourteen days.”
    That was Quinn, always seeing to the needs of our family. He and I had grown up together, becoming so close that my father had actually sought to warn me. “Katrina,” he said, “Quinn is your Watcher and must remain as such.”
    Bristling, I’d told him in no uncertain terms that, “Quinn was also my friend, my best friend”, but later I found myself wondering if that was still the truth. Had I started to feel something more? No, I reassured myself, Quinn was my friend, and of course I cared for him, yes even loved him, but as a friend, or a member of my family. Right? I guessed that I would need to sort this out, but that would have to wait, for tomorrow we were leaving on a journey that would take us north and east, a journey that could hold danger. I grew excited at the prospect. The unknown is always both the most frightening, and the most exciting part of any new adventure.
    My head swam as I realized the full impact of the Council’s directive. Our retinue would be large enough, but with the clans being represented by their royal families’ most worthy young members, the numbers going to Council would be in the hundreds, all traveling with their entourage made up of Watchers, servants, and caravan wagons filled with provisions. There would also be wagons carrying the bales and boxes containing gifts for the other clans and their leaders, especially those that we’d chosen for the High Regent.
    “Katrina, you look weak.” Quinn broke my reverie. “When was the last time you fed? Did you drink anything today at all?”
    Quinn was right; I hadn’t had Crimson or been out to hunt, preferring to concentrate on the development of my gifts and military skills. I thought back now, I hadn’t fed since the day before or maybe longer. I realized with a start I was very near dormancy and could have done so my sleep. Dormancy, a kind of hibernation if you will, is a vampire slowed metabolic state which saves us when we have to hide, heal, or survive when food either was not available or was tainted. This dormancy can last hours, days, weeks, or even years. Now that Quinn had brought it up; I did feel weak, too weak to hunt. Why hadn’t I paid more attention? Suddenly my vision started to fade; I leaned against the wall to steady myself from the feeling of dizziness.
    When I awoke, Quinn was wrapping a cloth around his wrist.
    “You must be more responsible.” he chided me. “I can’t be in charge of your feedings too!”
    He was angry, so angry his face was red, and though I had never bitten a human in my life, the vein bulging on his neck was making me feel something I had never felt before: blood lust. It didn’t help that Quinn was handsome, and as he kept ranting about how I was ignoring my training, my studies, and everything else, I couldn’t help admiring the ruggedness of his jaw and the way his dark brown hair flopped onto his face; his beautiful face.
    “Katrina, Katrina ! Are you even listening to me at all?”
    Snapping out of my trance felt almost painful; I would have liked to remain in my reverie just a little longer.
    “Katrina?” his inflection changed as he walked toward me.
    The impulse to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately was so overwhelming it took all my not so inconsequential strength to contain myself.
    “What is wrong with you Katrina? We have no time for this.”
    I spun away to gather myself, and then tears filled my eyes. As I am not someone easily moved to tears, I had to wonder: What was wrong with me? I felt a jolt when Quinn placed his warm hands on my shoulders and turned me to him. When he saw the tears, he froze for a moment. Then his face softened and I saw something new

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