ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2)

Free ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2) by Julia Mills

Book: ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
the back of the
General’s neck. Closing the distance between them until their foreheads touched
as he’d done before every battle they had ever fought, Viktor ordered, “Clear
your mind. Focus on Cynthia. See the world through her eyes.”
    Letting go of his neck, the Commander walked towards the door and,
with his hand on the knob, said, “And if you ever grab me like that again, I
will be the one to separate your head from your shoulders.” The door opened.
“Get yourself together and find your mate. I will be in the kitchen awaiting
word from Nikos and Achilles.”
    Roman knew all his comrades were out searching for Cynthia, but it
was Nik and Lee he had sent to meet the police where they had found his
abandoned limo. Bain, Sal, and Tommy were covering the rest of the area within
a fifty-mile radius from the same position. The General wanted to be out
searching for her… needed  to be out there… needed  to be
the one to find her, but Viktor had been right when he told him stay put and be
ready to race to her side as soon as she was found.
    Closing the curtains to shut out the sun streaming through the
bank of twelve-foot windows that covered one entire wall of his study, Roman
took a seat in what his long-time assistant, Gregorio, called a piece of junk
but was still the General’s favorite chair, and tried to clear his mind. Taking
deep breaths, he let the stress and tension flow from his body with each
exhale. After several long tense seconds of complete silence, in which he
feared the worst, Roman worked past her mental blocks to find his beautiful
Cynthia was only sleeping.
    Wait! No, not asleep…unconscious…
    Traversing the light of their connection, the General traveled
deeper into her mind, sifting through images and memories all centering around
him, and the emotions she felt by simply thinking of him flooded her mind.
Technically, according to the rules of their kind, what he was doing was an invasion
of her privacy. He was not to delve so deeply into the mind of the keeper of
his heart until she knew and understood what they meant to one another. The
gods knew he’d been battling himself since she’d turned twenty-one to stay away
and stay out of her thoughts, but this time was different. She was in danger.
There was no doubt that Viktor, and therefore Zeus, would not punish him for
attempting to save his mate’s life. After all, if she ceased to exist, then so
did he.
    Smiling, despite the situation, at the sheer number of memories
and images of him she kept so close to her heart, Roman’s resolution to not
only bring Cynthia home safely but to make whoever responsible pay with their
lives became even stronger. Whoever had dared to lay a finger on his mate would
    Coming upon the recollection of their latest encounter and the
kiss they shared in her office, Roman was helpless to do anything but watch one
of the single most poignant events in his very long life unravel in vivid
detail. His heart soared at how readily she gave herself over to him. He felt
her heart beat in sync with his, felt how much she wanted to be with him in all
ways, and most of all felt the love growing within her heart that she fought so
very hard to deny. Opening his eyes and staring into the light of the embers
glowing in the hearth, the General vowed right then and there to tell Cynthia
everything, no matter what the consequences, as soon as he had her back in his
arms. It was long past time to let her know of their future together.
    Once again letting his eyes slide shut, he shut the door on the
memory of their kiss and flipped through the next several hours of her evening
and the next day, until finally reaching images of Laurent. He saw the limo
through her eyes and felt her excitement growing at the prospect of dinner
alone with him. The taste of champagne as she took a sip hit his tongue,
closely followed by the sting of something bitter and medicinal biting at his
taste buds. Roman’s muscles were

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