Bella's Wolves

Free Bella's Wolves by Stacey Espino

Book: Bella's Wolves by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
memories of the last few hours were sketchy. First, she had been in the warmth and comfort of the log cabin, talking with a pregnant woman. Bella had felt comfortable with Ingrid, even enough to believe she could trust her. How wrong she had been. Out of nowhere, the crazy woman whacked her on the head with a blunt object. She’d fallen to the ground and blacked out for what she assumed was minutes—maybe seconds. Her adrenaline-filled veins took over from there. She ran for the door and escaped into the woods, the moon her only source of illumination as she fled. Ingrid had tried to kill her, and Bella knew she needed to hide for her own self-preservation.
    Bella tried to remember what they had talked about. Ingrid talked about ménage relationships, matings, and other nonsense. But it wasn’t the crazy topics of conversation that had bothered her, it was her own anxiety that had crept up on her until she felt ready to go mad. Was that why Ingrid hit her? Did she feel threatened for herself and her unborn babies? A simple slap in the face or splash of cold water would have sufficed if that were the case.
    There was something about this place—and these two men—that brought out an array of her hidden emotions. On a normal day, Bella kept her cool and lived her life with little whining as her father had taught her. A lady doesn’t wear her emotions on her sleeve. Maintain your composure under all circumstances . Her life wasn’t ideal, but she rarely grumbled out loud and certainly didn’t feel close to losing precious control.
    She’d crossed that fine line back at the cabin, not even recognizing herself as anxiety took over.
    Now Draco and Ben were here, and suddenly everything was better. Her fear dissipated because they could protect her. They’d never hurt her. It was illogical, but she knew. She liked the way they both looked at her with adoration in their eyes. Back at the cabin, they’d both fought in an attempt to lay claim on her. Two gorgeous, muscled men actually fighting for her—it was unreal. How would she even choose? Ben was more reserved, a dirty-blond Adonis. Draco was more aggressive, which only served to make her hot. His dark hair, rugged good looks, and intense narrowed eyes made her melt on the spot. These were real men, not like Keith and Dave, both soft and unskilled in dealing with women, in her opinion. She’d always craved and needed a dominant man, a man that would set her pulse racing, but she’d never found one in the city. Her past boyfriends had been easy to walk over, and even easier to kiss goodbye in the end.
    Now her two admirers were here to rescue her. They touched and tasted and drove her wild with new, untapped desires. She was a grown woman. If she wanted to fuck one, maybe two guys in the Great Canadian North, then that was her prerogative. Who would they tell? She’d already cut ties to her hoity-toity parents years ago. There was no one else left to disappoint. Bella was on her own and ready to accept what these men offered—a night to remember.
    Ben was behind her, Draco in front. Their male heat enveloped her, and she reveled in the bubble of protection they offered. Ben tugged up her shirt, and she raised her arms to help him undress her. Her skin tingled once bared to the night air, but she quickly forgot her discomfort when four hands explored and caressed every inch of her exposed flesh.
    “You smell so sweet,” growled Draco as he painted a trail along her collarbone with his tongue. Growl was the only word that could express the sound he made, as though he’d lost all humanity, retaining only an untamable nature that wouldn’t be denied.
    She closed her eyes as he descended to her exposed breasts. His hot, hungry mouth clamped over her aching nipple. Ben toyed with her other breast, snaking his arm around her body, teasing the bundle of nerves until it had its turn with Draco’s skilled tongue. Was this real? The blanket of darkness hid their illicit

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