
Free TangledIndulgence by Tina Christopher

Book: TangledIndulgence by Tina Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Christopher
their families? If they have the money to be
a member of Indulgence, they have to have enough power to make things difficult
for the Sentinels.”
    Mal shook his head. “They’re taking guests of the
lower-level members or leaving a believable trail showing the victim went on an
extended trip.” He picked up his weapons and strode to the door.
    Adira slipped into her shoes and scrambled after him. Where
the fuck is he off to now?
    We need armor and to stock up on weapons if we’re to get
the waitress and whomever else they have before it’s too late.
    Her nipples hardened and her pussy grew moist. His deep
voice in her mind echoed through her whole body.
    Your voice does the same to me.
    She exhaled and strode after him. “I am working on a similar
    He turned to her but didn’t slow down. “Show me.”
    Adira wasn’t sure where they were as Mal took her through a
maze of back corridors and supply rooms. She focused on her surroundings so she
didn’t have to think about sharing her mind with another person.
    “Sweet, show me. I promise I won’t see anything other than
what you share with me.”
    She exhaled. He needed to know and this weird link between
them had to be good for something. She opened her mind and broke every
confidentiality rule in the book by sharing an ongoing investigation with a
    Mal nearly groaned when she voluntarily used the link
between them. His cock jumped to attention as her energy threaded through his.
Images and thoughts filled with files of names and occupations, families
worried about boys and girls vanishing on their way to and from school or work.
All ages and ethnicities, all shapes and sizes, no particular patterns other
than they were from the poorest parts of the city.
    Unlike the girls going missing in the club, Adira’s victims
weren’t all attractive. But each and every one of them human.
    And healthy.
    Mal had a suspicion. “When did these disappearances start?”
    Mal froze.
    Adira thought she was responsible for not catching the
abductors. For not finding the victims. For not giving the families hope that
they would ever see their loved ones again.
    This is why they transferred you to Hadamard.
    Adira sighed. I’ve been asking too many questions no one
wants answered. There are at least three Sentinels in powerful positions with
links to Parvati’s gangs. Until they stop protecting those responsible I don’t
have enough leverage. I can’t move forward without more evidence and they block
me at every turn.
    This is not your fault.
    Logically I know that, but emotionally I only see the
eyes of those left behind.
    And now he’d added to that pressure by making her use the
serving girl as bait.
    Mal stopped and pulled Adira into his arms. He cupped the
back of her head and kissed her. His tongue gently rubbed against hers, her
taste filling every sense he had. She responded in kind and their kiss turned
into a promise, a pledge that he would be with her every step of the way until
she found the ones responsible for the pain she witnessed and experienced.
    Once we’ve taken care of this group of scecxis, my team
and I will be with you to find whoever is behind the other disappearances.
    She leaned back and stroked her fingers across his cheek. One
step at a time. Adira gave him a quick kiss and stepped away. “Who is she?”
    Mal wanted to draw her back, to find out what she’d just
hidden behind a massive gray stonewall.
    But now wasn’t the time. Instead he pulled his comp out and
ran a search for the young woman. “Marissa Adevo, twenty-six, new to Parvati,
moved here from Babote eight months ago, started working at Indulgence six
months ago.”
    Adira nodded but didn’t meet his gaze.
    He took her hand and strode along the narrow corridor to the
small room Jackson had given him at the start of this assignment. It started
life as a broom closet, but Mal had changed a few things.
    He released Adira’s hand and set his

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