take notes. Then you will be prepared when you demonstrate to the customer how your solution is the way he imagines it to be.
Palabras para recordar
to raise awareness: to increase
to encounter rejection: to be faced with a negative response, a refusal, or a snub
to conduct: to do, to carry out, to perform, to handle
current: present, existing, present-day
to look into: to explore, to investigate, to research, to make inquires about
to be equipped with: to be fitted out, provided, furnished, or supplied with
to drift into triteness: to become banal, commonplace, hackneyed, trivial, or prosaic
beforehand: earlier, in advance, ahead of time, before now
to have something reconfirmed: to have something once again verified, substantiated, or validated
related: connected, associated, accompanying, linked, correlated
to probe deeper into something: to get closer to the core of something
breakdown: interruption, stopping, stoppage, failure, malfunctioning
to jump to: to immediately address, concentrate on, or take up
a walk on a tightrope: a high-wire act, a razor-edge affair
to paint a vivid picture of something: to make something crystal-clear
call for action: need or requirement to do something
to interlink: to interconnect, to cross-link
high risk of failure: strong chance for breakdown, stoppage, or non-function
psychological strain: mental stress, emotional suffering
implications: repercussions, effects, impact, outcome
to yearn for something: to desire, long for, crave, or hunger for something
to envision: to imagine, to envisage, to picture, to see in one’s mind’s eye, to foresee
to rid someone of something: to free, liberate, unburden, or relieve someone of something
worry: concern, anxiety, trouble, apprehension, care
are supposed to: are meant, intended, or expected to
attentively: carefully, alertly, conscientiously
Emotionalising the sales approach
In their sales approach, Fleurop AG is relying on highly different measures : from the business to customer approach, with its classic advertising spots, to cross marketing and business to business campaigns.
Especially in the business customer area, flowers are an effective means for triggering emotions and for pleasantly surprising customers. More and more account managers use the flower approach with their prospective customers: A study on the use of advertising media in customer relationship management, conducted by the market research institute Skopos, gives proof that more than 40 % of marketing executives think of flowers as an effective means to win over new customers.
Fleurop’s growing number of business customers are attended to by a special division named FleuropCadeaux. In the beginning of May 2005, this business to business service launched an unusual campaign: The floristic provider called on all companies nationwide to enrol for the “FleuropCadeaux Business Day 2005” to be held on September 13. “This day provided an opportunity for all participating companies to approach potential customers on an emotional level and to make new contacts,” explains a Fleurop manager. What’s special: the bouquets could be created in the style of the customer’s corporate design. In order to persuade as many companies as possible to send floral greetings to new customers, a registered customer, on this day, had to pay only five euros, including a service charge, instead of the official price of 27 euros for an individually arranged company bouquet.
Another factor contributing to Fleurop’s success is the company’s online involvement . For years, Fleurop’s partners have been profiting from the possibility of online order placing, which is especially popular among business customers. According to the computer and technical analysis of the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, the user-friendly online shop www.fleurop.de counts among the most frequented German Internet retail stores. To prove this: While the total number of online