Swiss Family Robinson

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Book: Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johann David Wyss
which these were stretched all this time, so that they should get the full benefit of the sun.
    `As they were now quite dry, I completed them easily, and Jack girded on the belt with great pride, placing his pistols in it, and marching about in a most self-important style, while Ernest fitted the collars on the two dogs.
    `On reaching the shore, we found it strewed with many articles, doubtless of value, but all too heavy for us to lift. We rolled some casks, however, beyond high-water mark, and dragged a chest or two also higher on the beach; and, while doing so, observed that our dogs were busy among the rocks. They were carefully watching the crevices and pools, and every now and then would pounce downwards and seize something which they swallowed with apparent relish.
    `"They are eating crabs," said Jack. "No wonder they have not seemed hungry lately."
    `And, sure enough, they were catching the little green crabs with which the water abounded. These, however, did not apparently entirely satisfy them.
    `Some time afterwards, just as we were about to turn inland towards the ford, we noticed that Juno was scraping in the sand, and turning up some round substances, which she hastily devoured.
    `Ernest went to see what these were, and reported in his calm way that the dog had found turtles' eggs.
    `"Oh," cried I, "then let us by all means share in the booty!" Mrs. Juno, however, did not at all approve of this, and it was with some difficulty that we drove her aside while we gathered a couple of dozen of the eggs, stowing them in our provision bags. While thus employed, we caught sight of a sail which appeared to be merrily approaching the shore beyond the cliffs. Ernest declared it must be our raft. Little Franz, always having the fear of savages before his eyes, began to look frightened, and for a moment I myself was doubtful what to think.
    `However, we hastened to the stream; and, crossing it by the stepping-stones, came in sight of the landing-place, where we joyfully met you.
    `Now I hope you approve of the proceedings of your exploring party, and that tomorrow you will do me the favour of packing everything up, and taking us away to live amongst my splendid trees.'
    `Aye, little wife,' said I, `so that is your idea of comfort and security is it! A tree, I do not know how many feet high, on which we are to perch and roost like the birds? If we had but wings or a balloon, it would, I own, be a capital plan.'
    `Laugh as much as you like,' returned my wife, `my idea is not so absurd as you make it out. We should be safe up there from jackals' visits during the night. And I know I have seen at home in Switzerland , quite a pretty arbour , with a strong floor, up among the branches of a lime tree, and we went up a staircase to reach it. Why could not we contrive a place like that, where we could sleep safely at night?'
    `I will consider the idea seriously, my wife,' said I, `perhaps something may come of it, after all! Meantime, as we have finished supper, and night is coming on, let us commend ourselves to Almighty protection and retire to rest.'
    Beneath the shelter of our tent, we all slept soundly as marmots, until break of day; when, my wife and I awaking, took counsel together as to future proceedings.
    Referring to the task she had the previous evening proposed for me, I remarked that to undertake it would involve so many difficulties that it was highly necessary to look closely into the subject.
    `In the first place,' said I, `I am unwilling hastily to quit a spot to which I am convinced we were providentially led as a landing-place. See how secure it is; guarded on all sides by these high cliffs, and accessible only by the narrow passage to the ford, while from this point it is so easy to reach the ship that the whole of its valuable cargo is at our disposal. Suppose we decide to stay patiently here for the present--until, at least, we have brought on shore everything we possibly can?'
    `I agree with you to a certain

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