My Lucky Groom

Free My Lucky Groom by Ginny Baird

Book: My Lucky Groom by Ginny Baird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Baird

    Richard watched Ventura flit around the kitchen, thinking she was mighty perky. Perhaps the nap had done her good, or maybe it was that second cup of afternoon coffee that added extra spring to her step.
    “I think everything’s in order,” she told him, putting away the last of the clean dishes.
    The kids sat at the table, companionably coloring in matching shapes on a handout, big glasses of milk and fresh-baked cookies settled before them. Although she must have baked them hours ago, the kitchen still smelled invitingly of chocolate chips. Ventura had fed the kids early and given them dessert as they finished up the last of their homework. Richard had another boring gala to attend this evening, or else he would have eaten with them. Generally he fed the kids later, after Ventura had gone. Tonight she’d done him a special favor by doing this early to spare the teenage babysitter the extra effort. A horn blew outside, and Richard glanced through the front window, seeing a car parked outside. “Guess that’s my ride!” Ventura said brightly, scooping up her purse.
    “Your ride?” Richard asked, perplexed. Jason usually drove Ventura home. Richard wasn’t sure what was different about tonight.
    Her expression was sunny, her cheeks a dusty rose. “I’ve got a date,” she said with a happy lilt to her voice.
    Richard blinked, feeling like someone had thrust an arrow through his chest. But that was absurd, wasn’t it? Why would it matter to him that Ventura was seeing someone? She was pretty, smart, and funny. It only made sense, didn’t it?
    “A date. I see,” he stated, trying to sound casual about it. “Well, I hope you have fun.”
    She patted each of the kids on the head, then shot him a grin. “Thanks! I’ll try.”
    Richard cleared his throat and strode to his office to get a better look out the window. Ventura practically ran down the steps and a good-looking guy stepped from the car. Richard thought he recognized him as Ventura’s date from the Tidal Basin. He was blond and built, and most assuredly single. Free as a bird to take Ventura on any sort of outing her heart desired. Ventura glanced back toward the house, and Richard stepped away from the window. Spying on the nanny! What was wrong with him, anyway? It wasn’t like he couldn’t have any woman in Washington. The females here were after him all the time.
    He snuck back toward the window to peer out once again as Ventura and her date drove away. Any woman in Washington but that one , he thought with a frown. She was not only his employee, which would make seeing her improper, but she was clearly into somebody else. Richard checked the clock on his desk and saw it was time to dress in his tuxedo and put on another show. Although tonight that performance would ring extra hollow. Having a beautiful woman on his arm didn’t mean nearly as much as being with someone he felt he could talk to. Someone with a sharp wit and a good brain, and he couldn’t help but notice, since he was only human, a naturally pretty face and enticingly hot body. Richard drew a breath, ashamed of himself for having such thoughts about a woman he’d hired. He wondered briefly what might have happened if she’d landed a job in her field from the start and they’d met again on personal terms rather than for business. But that was silly to think of now, given how life had evolved. The best thing Richard could do was to put any notions of becoming involved with Ventura out of his mind and focus on their working together, as politely and professionally as possible.

    Ventura and Charles sat in a swanky pizza place in Georgetown, swapping stories over mugs of beer. Charles glanced at her blouse, which was held together with a series of safety pins, then met her eyes.
    “You look great,” he told her. “Blue’s your color.”
    “So tell me. How do you like working for the Blakes?”
    Ventura took a sip of her beer, then set it down. “I’d

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