The Private Eye

Free The Private Eye by Jayne Ann Krentz

Book: The Private Eye by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
whether I like it or not.”
    “Ah, yes. I'm looking forward to the home-cooked breakfast that was promised in your letter. And the tea and scones mentioned in the brochure, too. Haven't had a scone in years. Do you put raisins in yours?”
    Maggie nearly choked on her coffee. “The tea and scones are only served when the manor is open for guests. I would have thought that was obvious,”
    “Nope. Tea and scones are part of the deal.” Josh's expression was unreadable. “As far as I'm concerned, I signed on for this job based on what was promised in that letter and the brochure that accompanied it. It’s a binding contract.”
    “Oh, for heaven's sake, Josh. I was merely listing the amenities of the manor. Surely you understood that. I didn't mean to imply that you were going to be served as if you were a paying guest.”
    “That's exactly what was implied. And I'm holding you to what was promised.” He ticked the items off on his fingers. “A home-cooked breakfast, tea and scones in the afternoons, and a gourmet dinner.”
    “Is that so? Well, when do I start getting some investigation services in return?”
    “Relax -I've been on the job since the minute I walked through your front door-You're in good hands, lady.”
    “Wonderful. So reassuring to know the future of the manor is in the hands of an investigator who has problems just getting out of bed,” Maggie grumbled - She caught her breath as she realized she had just broken her own rule about not mentioning the previous night. Her gaze flew to Josh's and she knew it was too much to hope that he would ignore the comment.
    “I may have a little trouble getting out of bed, Maggie, but I can guarantee you I know how to get into you.”
    Maggie lifted her chin proudly. “I think I should tell you I do not appreciate that kind of humour. Furthermore, as I am your employer, it is within my rights to set the standards of behaviour I shall expect from you in the future-1 wish to make it very clear that I expect that behaviour to be entirely businesslike and professional in nature. Do you understand?”
    “Got it.” He took a swallow of coffee and smiled again. “Going to make that phone call to McCray today?”
    “No, I am not. I have no reason to make it.”
    “I'll give you a reason,” Josh said softly.
    Before Maggie realized his intentions, he set down his coffee mug on the counter and reached for her.
    “ Josh ,” Maggie looked up at him as tension suddenly rippled through her. She felt herself being tugged gently, inevitably, forward, and for the life of her she swamping her good sense.
    “I wanted to do this last night,” Josh muttered.
    He bent his head and his mouth brushed lightly across hers. The kiss was full of masculine invitation and tantalizing promise. Maggie tasted coffee and an intimate warmth that made her shiver.
    Josh lifted his head almost at once, breaking the contact before she even had time to decide how to react. He watched her with lazy, glittering eyes as she instinctively touched her lips with wondering fingertips.
    The brief embrace had been a hint of possibilities, not a full-blown kiss, she reflected. Still, she had felt it to the soles of her feet. Just as she had known she would.
    Just as he must have known she would.
    “I didn't do it last night because I figured it would be a little too much for you. And a little too soon.” Josh slid his hands slowly up her arms to her shoulders and then wrapped them gently around the nape of her neck.
    “You're not accustomed to making quick decisions about people the way I am. You don't know how to look into a person's eyes and see if you're being lied to. But me, I'm an old hand at it. I've been sorting out the lies from the truth for so long that it's second nature.”
    “You're right,” Maggie replied breathlessly. “I don't have that skill. So, how will I know if you're telling me the truth about yourself?”
    “For starters, you can make the call to McCray,” he said

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