Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low

Free Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low by Abbi Glines

Book: Sea Breeze 02 - Because of Low by Abbi Glines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Glines
tonight and I hadn’t wanted to ask him to let me borrow his car.
    “Well, okay, um, thank you. Rock’s here,” I said trying to process the fact Marcus had just shown up to take me to my sister’s after work as if this was normal behavior.
    He followed my gaze, “ I see that. I’ll go say hello to them. Take your time. I have nowhere to be. I’ve got all night.”
    With one last long look directed at me he turned and walked to the table I’d been heading to before he walked in. How the heck had he known I needed a ride? And furthermore why would he come to give me one without me asking him?
    Shaking my head in confusion I followed him to the table.
    “Marcus, man you missed the meal,” Rock teased.
    “Yeah I can see that but I’m here for Low not you.”
    Krit glanced past Marcus and locked eyes with me. His blond eyebrows shot up in question at Marcus’s comment.
    “You taking Low somewhere Marcus?” Krit asked tearing his gaze off me and staring back up at Marcus.
    This might get more interesting than was good. I’d been dodging Krit’s advances for almost a year. The boy didn’t take “no” for an answer.
    “Yep, you got a problem with that?” Marcus asked pulling up a chair and sitting down beside Green.
    “I guess I do. I’d been hoping to convince her to go out with me when she got off work tonight. Kinda screws that up if you’re here for her.”
    I couldn’t help but watch Marcus’s face to see how he reacted to Krit’s explanation. He scowled and leaned back in the chair.
    “No I don’t think that’s a good idea Krit. You aren’t Low’s type.”
    “And you are?”
    I couldn’t bring myself to walk completely up to the table. This was as embarrassing as it was fascinating.
    “Alright boys calm down,” Rock interrupted them and waved me over.
    “I’m gonna pay for this meal and Krit you’re going to leave with us. Low has plans tonight to leave with Marcus. You two can argue this out or beat the shit out of each other whatever, some other time. Right now I want to get home and spend some time with my girl, alone.”
    Marcus looked entirely too pleased with everything. If he wasn’t so darn cute I’d remind him I wasn’t some piece of property he owned. Heck we hadn’t even been out on a date and here he is acting like he has some claim on me.
    His eyes lifted and locked with mine. All the reasons I had to be aggravated with him vanished. Who could stay mad at that face?

    Chapter Seven


    Willow didn’t say much on the ride to her sister’s house. I wasn’t sure if she was mad at me about the confrontation I’d had with Krit or what but she was quiet. I hadn’t meant to step out of bounds with her. Just the thought of Krit taking advantage of her or treating her like I knew he treated women made my skin crawl. Low was too sweet for someone like him. She needed someone to handle her gently.
    “Look, I’m sorry about what I said to Krit. It isn’t my business who you date. I was out of line.”
    Not that I wouldn’t do it again if I had to but I wanted to see her smile at me. She would be getting out of my truck in just a few minutes and I needed the sound of her laughter to keep me warm tonight.
    “You were out of line. But you were right. Krit isn’t my type. I’ve been dodging him for awhile now.”
    Good. She knew he was an asshole.
    “So do you forgive me?” I asked glancing over at her.
    A small smile lifted the corner of her lips.
    “Yes, I suppose I do.”
    I let out a dramatic sigh of relief.
    “Dang girl you had me sweating over here.”
    The laughter I’d wanted to hear filled the truck. My chest expanded and I suddenly wanted to beat on it with my fist. The girl was making me go all caveman.
    “I’m sorry I worried you. I’m just tired tonight. It’s been a long day.”
    “Will you be able to go straight to bed when you get there?”
    I didn’t like the idea of leaving her at her sister’s. I was growing accustomed to knowing she was

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