Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts

Free Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts by Abbi Glines

Book: Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts by Abbi Glines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Glines
planting on the gravel.
    “Yeah , looks like you had yourself a good ‘ole time,” I replied as she slipped her arms up my chest and clasp ed her hands tightly behind my neck .
    “ Youshouldcometoo .”
    Nodding, I lifted my gaze from her adorably drunk expression to look at Jeremy. He was standing behind her waiting on her next move.
    “We need to get her to bed. Her daddy ain’t coming home till tomorrow . He’s still got a bunch of people up at his hunting camp.”
    “Should she be left alone in the house like this?” I aske d as she leaned heavily on me.
    “Probably not,” Jeremy rubbed his hand through his hair and glanced back at his truck. He had other plans. I could tell he was trying real hard to figure out the right thing to do.
    “I gotta get some stuff packed up tonight and head out early in the morning to check on an apartment I’m looking at moving into with my cousin in the fall. You think you could watch her?”
    So Jeremy was getting ready to move on with his life. Had he told Eva yet? Was that why she was completely wasted?
    “I got her. You go on. We’ll be fine.”
    The indecision on his face as he studied the back of Eva’s head had me thinking he m ight en d up staying to watch her after all. I understood that kind of protective streak. I had it with Low. Eva rested her head against my chest.
    “You good with that , Eva?” Jeremy asked.
    “ Mmmmmmhmmmm ,” she replied then began sniffing my shirt.
    Jeremy shook his head then looked back up at me. “She’s dealing with life. It’s m oving on without Josh and she’s just now realizing it. Be good to her.”
    “Of course,” I replied and dropped a kiss to the top of her cigarette scented hair. Not something I ever expected to smell on Eva Brooks.
    Jeremy studied me a moment then with a quick nod he turned and headed back to his truck. I waited until he was pulling out of the drive before moving Eva.
    “I need to get you to your bed, sweetheart. Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to walk? Or do you need to puke?”
    Eva giggled against my chest and tilted her head back to smile sleepily at me. “ Takemetoyourbed ,” she slurred.
    “Now that’s a bad idea , beautiful. You see, when you’re sober my bed is the last place you wanna be.”
    She shook her head and st anding on her tip toes pressed a tequila tasting kiss to my mouth.
    “I wanna sleep in your bed puhlease .” She managed not to run her words together this time.
    How was I supposed to tell her no when she was all sweet and playful? She was drunk off her ass but she was a nice drunk.
    “Just sleep?” I asked
    “ J ussleep .”
    I bent down and slipped my arm under her knees then cradled her against my chest and carried her to the barn. This was probably not my most intelligent moment but I wasn’ t about to give up what could be my only chance at sleeping all night with Eva Brooks in my arms.

    “Don’t you go to sleep yet. You need to drink this water and take the a spirin first.” Cage’s voice was even sexy when he was being all bossy.
    I giggled and stared up at him as he stood hovering over me. His bed was nice and soft and I really jus t wanted to close my eyes. H ow was a girl supposed to turn down orders from a guy that looked like that? I stuck my arm up in the air, “P ull me up,” I told him. Cage grinned and reached for my hand that w as unfortunately numb so I didn’t get the complete enjoyment from his touch.
    Once he had me sitting up on the edge of the bed he squatted down in front of me until we were eye level. The glas s of water he’d ru n up to the house to get was in one hand and the white chalky pills I hated were in the other.
    “Can I just drink the water?” I asked , scowling at the pills. I hated swallowing pills. I did it if I absolutely had to but I hated the taste they left in my throat and the way they felt going down.
    “If you don’t take the a spirin you’ re going to have one helluva hangover in the

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