Secrets Collide (Bluegrass Brothers)

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Book: Secrets Collide (Bluegrass Brothers) by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
expecting a baby in the fall.”
    “Oh my God . . . he’s married to Katelyn Jacks, the supermodel?” Gemma exclaimed. She had written an article on the dark side of modeling and had wanted to interview Katelyn, but her agent had politely refused, saying that Katelyn was no longer modeling. Apparently she was in vet school.
    “Yep. But she’s not a model anymore. The only modeling she does is for my sister who designs hats. Anyway, next is Cade. He’s a high school biology teacher and the head football coach. He’s married to Annie who's a former DEA agent and now a deputy sheriff. They have the cutest daughter, Sophie. I’m next in line. Then Paige, who owns her own girly store and is married to Cole, who’s the head of the FBI office in Lexington. They have the most handsome boy, Ryan. Finally, there’s Pierce who just invented this amazing Cropbot, which is an agricultural robot. It’s so cool. Paige emailed me a demonstration and this thing can do everything. Pierce just got engaged to Tammy who's a receptionist at the law firm in town.”
    “That’s one huge family. And you were right; your family sure does have resources. Your brother-in-law and sister-in-law will be a big help.” Gemma felt her spirits buoyed as they turned down yet another small narrow road outlined with black fences and rolling hills. “Your mother must be a saint.”
    “She is. My parents are wonderful and, for that matter, so is Keeneston. It’s not for everyone. Some people can’t stand everyone knowing everything. I know I couldn’t when I was younger, but now I can’t wait to get home and see everyone and sit in the café to hear all the local gossip. The Rose sisters are something to behold.” Cy gave his sweet little smile and Gemma bet he didn’t even know he was doing it. She couldn’t help but feel excited to meet all these people.
    “However, over the years they’ve given me my space when I asked for it and now I miss that connection. I miss having connections with neighbors, walking down the street and waving at everyone who passes by, or stopping to talk to someone on the sidewalk. Mostly, I can’t wait to see my niece and nephew. I was there when they were born. It was in the early hours of Christmas and I’ll never forget it. They must be so big by now.”
    Gemma heard the wistfulness in his voice and the way his normally deep and graveled voice softened as he talked about his family. But hearing him talk about his niece and nephew took her by surprise. “ You like babies? You’re like Mr. CIA kickass agent guy with hot actresses trying to get into your apartment.”
    “Yeah. That doesn’t mean I don’t like kids. I love them. I want a whole bunch of them, too.”
    “Who are you?” Gemma asked again. He was a total contradiction—Hollywood hottie with a dangerous edge, but also a protector and family man. She just couldn’t help wondering who the real Cy Davies was.
    “We’re here.”
    Gemma turned away from trying to figure him out to look at the large white farmhouse they were approaching. She didn’t quite know what to think of the range of cars lined up in the front yard. Pickup trucks, SUVs, a bright red M6, and a shiny black Mercedes S600. If a TV crew jumped out and told her they were filming her for a surprise show, Gemma wouldn’t even blink. The whole scene was just too strange.
    The door opened and people poured out of the farmhouse. She could identify his mother and father because of the gray streaking their hair, and she spotted Katelyn Jacks standing tall in the back, but the rest were a clump of people hurrying down the wide wood steps toward them.
    Cy parked the truck and hurried to open Gemma’s door for her. Before she could ask who everyone was, a beautiful woman with shoulder-length brown hair and a miniskirt flung herself into his arms. Jeez, could women not help throwing themselves at him? Okay, who was she kidding? Under different circumstances she would, too, although she

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