Warriors of Poseidon 02.5 - Shifter's Lady

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over fear, and she held up her arms to him. “Be mine for this night, Ethan. Let Atlantis meet the dual-natured, and both be the better for it.”
    He did not say a word but started toward her. Slowly, stalking her. Letting her see the full weight of his hunger on his face. He pulled his clothes off as he came, so that by the time he reached her he was entirely nude, his enormous erection jutting up between them. Her eyes widened at the sight of his powerful body sculpted into lean muscle.
    Shifter’s Lady – Warriors of Poseidon 2.5

Page 61 of 84
    “It‟s time, ocean girl,” he whispered. “I want to kiss every inch of your skin right this minute. In fact, I may very well die if I don‟t get my hands and my mouth on you in the next sixty seconds.”
    She leaned forward and traced one finger down the planes of his chest and abdomen, and he shuddered. She bit her lip and took the leap over the precipice.
    “Then perhaps you should remove my dress.”
    Ethan stared at Marie, unable to believe his ears. Unable to believe that the most beautiful woman he‟d ever seen was offering herself to him with the same courage she‟d shown when she‟d questioned his authority. When she‟d defied him. When she‟d laughed at his attempt to order her around.
    Somehow, this gentle healer had displayed greater strength than the meanest and baddest of his pride-brothers. Maybe it was her gentle touch that had stolen its way into his heart.
    “Your dress. Right. I might be able to manage that.” He reached out for her, hoping she didn‟t notice that his hands were shaking. Touched the silken folds of her dress and, underneath, the silken curves of her skin.
    “I love this dress,” he said. “But it has to go.”
    He bent to grasp the hem of the dress on both sides of her endless legs and then stood, pulling the fabric with him. She moved to make some adjustment, and the top of the dress fell open, helping his clumsy fingers complete the job. In seconds, the dress was up and over her head, and she stood in only a few tiny scraps of dark blue lace.
    Shifter’s Lady – Warriors of Poseidon 2.5

Page 62 of 84
    The sight of her sent all the blood in his body rushing to his cock, which jerked and strained toward her. His inner cat agreed with the sentiment, growling its hunger and need.
    “Holy crap,” he said, grinning like a damn fool. “If that‟s the Atlantean version of ladies‟
    underwear, I bow down to your superior race.”
    She tilted her head and flashed a smile filled with the power of ages-old feminine seduction and newly discovered heat. “Do you like it?”
    “It makes me want to purr.”
    Marie laughed. “I‟d like to make you purr, warrior. But first, I‟d like to feel you touch me.”
    He didn‟t need to be asked again. Ethan swept her up and onto the bed, rolling with her as they fell so that she landed on top of him, trapped by his arms. “I plan to touch every part of you,” he promised.
    “Less talking, more touching,” she said, and then she nipped at his bottom lip. The sharp touch of her teeth ignited the flames that had been stirring in his blood, and he pulled her head down to his and took her mouth.
    The predatory heat in his eyes exhilarated Marie. No gentle coupling, this—she wanted flame and fury and the sea-struck lightning of tempest-force winds. He‟d torn her undergarments from her body as if he had to see her totally nude or he‟d die from the wanting. Then she‟d taken the aggressor‟s part, she who had never taken the initiative in bed sport, and actually bitten him. She felt as though the panther side of his nature had communicated itself to her soul, and she, too, wanted to snarl and bite and dig her nails into his back, leaving no doubt in his mind that she was laying claim to him as well.
    Shifter’s Lady – Warriors of Poseidon 2.5

Page 63 of 84
    For one terrifying and thrilling moment she rose over

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