Stage of Desire - Gay Fantasy and Romance

Free Stage of Desire - Gay Fantasy and Romance by Chris Johns

Book: Stage of Desire - Gay Fantasy and Romance by Chris Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Johns
helping my engineer put the chopper to bed one
afternoon when the Major who had done my flight check appeared.
“Good afternoon Sir, this is a pleasant surprise.”
“Thank you Kit. How are you?”
“I‟m fine Sir, getting in quite a lot of flight time, and I‟m in
my own apartment now which is good.”
“Yes, but not performing at the Western Club?”
“No Sir, given that up temporarily.”
“Pity, I have brought two of my young officers down for a
few days. We wanted to take in your show.”
I laughed, I was flattered but also amused that he would
make a special trip down here to see me and bring subordinates.
“Sorry Sir, if you leave me a contact number I will call you
when I start again.”
“Thank you Kit but I thought you might like to invite my
companions and myself to your apartment for a private show.”
Now I didn‟t laugh.
“I don‟t have a partner for that kind of thing Sir.”
    “Not to worry, my two juniors will be more than happy to
fill the roll I‟m sure. I will choreograph it and the three of you will
put on a show for my pleasure. Shall we say 2100, that will give you
time to eat, shower and change into something appropriate for a sexy
submissive which is the roll I envisage for you tonight.”
    As he turned to leave he had another thought.
“A few sex toys might be good Kit, you know, a cane, a
dildo, things like that. We should be finished in time for you to join
us for the last show at the Western Bar, as a spectator of course.”
I didn‟t have a choice, he held sway over my continued
presence here.
    I didn‟t eat dinner, I was too wound up but I did make a huge
effort with my hygiene and dress. I guessed I would be taking cock
in both ends so I gave myself three enemas, I know, over the top but
if I was going to suck dick after it had been inside me I was going to
be squeaky clean. I brought out a bottle of Wet Light, much nicer
taste than KY. Half a dozen hand towels and a box of tissues made
up the clean up side. I showered using a neutral smelling shower gel
paying particular attention to my arse and groin. Hair carefully
combed and lightly gelled to keep it in place, sexy Hom mini briefs,
sleeveless T-shirt, very thin material and very tight, to show off my
body, and a pair of fine linen trousers also quite tight to show off my
box and my butt, with thonged sandals to complete the ensemble. I
wore a small gold choker that looked like a slave collar and finished
off with a couple of drops in each eye to make them sparkle.
    With my golden tan and the white clothes I had to admit I
looked pretty damn good. The sun had turned my hair a pale gold
from its earlier light brown so I guessed I would please my guests if
for no other reason, the contrast.
    I was unhappy with what I expected to happen tonight, it
stank of blackmail, but I was going to do my best to enjoy it, I was
after all a bit of a sex slut. I had been careful about what I borrowed
from Adisak in the way of toys, two canes, not too big, two dildos,
both unfortunately quite big, a vibrator and leg and wrist restraints.
    My lounge had two two seater settees and an armchair with a
long heavy coffee table in the middle. I rolled up a padded beach
mattress at the side of the chair, I could spread that on the coffee
table for comfort if needed.
    I could think of nothing else so I checked ice and sliced
lemon, cold beer and wine in case I needed them. At exactly 2100
the doorbell rang and I admitted the Major and two guys who must
have been my age. They were bigger than me both in height and
build but looked Thai. They were introduced as Doug and Wayne
that got me even more confused.
    “Kit, these two young men are flight instructors at my base.
Ex United States Navy pilots, American fathers but Thai mothers and
the good sense to transfer to the Thai Air Force.”
I looked them up and down again as I showed them through
to the lounge. Nice bodies, cute butts and good sized packages.

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